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Polish pilgrim dies at the Finisterre lighthouse


Staff member
I saw this on Galicia TV last night. A Polish pilgrim drowned when he walked down to the sea at the Finisterre lighthouse on Friday. He fell in the sea, there were high waves at the time. He was walking down to the sea to take pictures.

It took several boats and helicopters 3 days to find him. If I am not mistaken, the polish pilgrim was part of a larger groups of pilgrims from Poland.

The TV report mentions that 6 persons has died in similar circumstances at the Finisterre lighthouse in the last 10 years.


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Phsew!! That is really sad.
I didn't realize that so many pilgrims had died at the end of their walk, we usually only hear of those at the start - or who have heart attacks or accidents on the way. It must have been traumatic for the others members of the group.

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