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Race for a bed..walking in the Holy Year


New Member
I am going to be walking the camino in June of 2010. I have walked it twice before but never during a Holy Year. During my last Camino, in May of 2007, I noticed a huge increase in the number of pilgrims from my previous Camino in May of 2005. I have been told a number of things about the mass increase of pilgrims during the Holy Year and am concerned about how that will affect my journey. I'm not the type of pilgrim to get up and start walking at 5 am just to get to the next refugio and secure a bed.

I'm wondering what other's experiences are with walking during the Holy Year and how difficult it will be to find a place to sleep. I'm not particular at all and found myself in the past, sleeping on the kitchen floor, wherever there's space. I'm also wondering what others think about the use of a tent? To prevent the need for racing for beds and the added benefit of not having to hear the symphony of snores everynight (haha). Thanks for your thoughts, opinions, suggestions. Happy Walking!!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Happywalking - I think it is going to be really busy but with that comes its own excitement. The local authorities are pulling out all stops to make sure there are temporary beds available in sports centres, community centres etc. If you are happy to lay your head wherever a bed appears then hopefully all should be well.

Buen Camino

My wife and I will be walking the CF this spring, and don't intend to let the crowds (if there will be crowds then) turn us into "very early risers" and "speed walkers". Our only concession will be to carry sleeping pads (just in case!). Unfortunately, that adds about 1/2 a kg to each pack.

Are there any stats available from previous Holy Years on the numbers of pilgrims on a month-by-month basis? I'd expect that the vast majority would be walking in the summer months (June, July and August)?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.

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