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Searching for blessings....


Active Member
Time of past OR future Camino
Frances (May 2005), Norte (May 2006), Vezelay (2007).

In another thread I did tell about my new house in France along the route Vezelay to Le Puy.

As my wife and I will start a (non-commercial) refugio I'm loooking for all kind of blessings in as many languages as possible.....thinking about printing that and hanging them in the refugio...do not know exactly yet.
I found already the great Irish/Galeic/Celtic blessing as an excellent example of what I'm looking for:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand

and also found the translation(?);

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat
Go raibh an ghaoth go brách ag do chúl
Go lonraí an ghrian go te ar d'aghaidh
Go dtite an bháisteach go mín ar do pháirceanna
Agus go mbuailimid le chéile arís,
Go gcoinní Dia i mbos A láimhe thú.

I hope you all have some text to contribute for our refugio!

Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
A Blessing for the Walker

Blessed are those who go afoot
And make the Way their dream
Blessed are those who seek the Way
Over road and hill and stream

Blessed are those who’ll take the pack
Of one who needs a rest
Blessed are those who just fall short
But know they’ve done their best

Blessed are those that make their mark
When no one’s there to see
Blessed are those that get back up
When forced upon their knees

Blessed are those who see your door
And share the Grace within
Blessed are We both one and all
Who walk the Way with Him
The Light of God surrounds you,
The Love of God enfolds you,
The Power of God protects you,
The Presence of God watches over you,
Wherever you are, God is,
And all is well.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
For on your Exit:

Por que perder las esperanzas
De volvernos a ver?
Por que perder las esperanzas
Cuando hay tanto querer?

No es mas que un hasta luego,
No es mas que un breve adios.
Muy pronto junto al fuego,
Nos reuniremos.

Translated to English…

Why lose hope
Of seeing one another again?
Why lose hope
When there is so much love.

It’s no more than a “see you later”
It’s no more than a brief good-bye.
Very soon next to the fire,
We’ll be together again.

Melody “Auld Lang Syne”

I do not know who wrote it or how the melody goes....

Jan Brilleman
Paul, I found a few more.
You could have these words of the 12th c Latin hymn, the La Pretiosa, on your door or at the entrance to your new home:

Its doors are open to the sick and well
to Catholics as well as to pagans,
Jews, Heretics, beggars and the indigent,
and it embraces all like brothers.

And here is a prayer from the camino:

1. Un peregrino sin buen humor, es como un mundo sin color

2. A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando. Ayudate y Dios te ayudara.

3. A dar no nos neguemos, pues Dios nos da para que demos.

4. Antes es la obligacion que la devocion

5. Atajar pronto el mal procura, sino siempre dura

6. Al peregrino lo cubre luz si lo acompana Jesus.

7. Dios perdona al penitente que se arrepiente

8. El amor y la Fe, en las obras se han de ver.

9. El bien que puedas hacer hoy no lo dejes para manana.

10. El hombre ocioso siempre es vicioso; ocupate en algo provechoso.

11. El mal, bien sufrido, para el cielo abre camino

12. El que peca y se enmienda, a Dios se encomienda.

Translation (more or less)

1. An ill-tempered pilgrim is like a colorless world.
2. Hit the hammer while you pray; Help yourself and God will help you.
3. Let us not refuse to be generous; God gives to us so that we may give.
4. Obligations come before devotion.
5. Deal with your hurtful problem, otherwise it will long last.
6. A pilgrim is bathed in light when accompanied by Jesus.
7. God forgives a penitent who repents.
8. Love and Faith are shown by one's actions.
9. Whatever good you can do today, do not leave it 'til tomorrow.
10. The idle man is prey to vice; do something useful
11. Suffering one's sorrows well opens the way to heaven.
12. He who sins and repents commends himself to God.

Look to this day
For it is life the very life of life
In its brief course lie all the varieties and realities of your existence
The blessing of growth
The glory of action
The splendour of beauty
For yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision
But today well lived
Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope
Look well therefore to this day
Such is the salutation of the dawn.

God be with thee in every pass, Jesus be with thee on every hill
Spirit be with thee on every stream, headland and ridge and lawn;
Each sea and land, each moor and meadow,
Each lying down, each rising up,
In the trough of the waves, on the crest of the billows,
Each step of the journey thou goest.

(Carmina Gadelica)
As I walk, as I walk
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.

--- Traditional Navajo Prayer
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Paulus said:
Hi, I hope you all have some text to contribute for our refugio! Thanks. Paul
Hi Paul,
'k Heb even voor je gekeken op m'n weblogs voor boeken, motto's en gedichten. Als het om Drenthe ging, dan was het makkelijk, dan kon je terecht in het Woordenboek van de Drentse dialecten: een adres waar je altijd terecht kunt. In elk darp hej wal een hoesie van hol-an. Doar kan alleman terechte, het is een huusie van hol-an. Zie http://books.google.com/books?id=ZNIRaK ... f3nl-c8wyA

http://pilgrimsplaza-boeken.blogspot.com :

The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage:
Give me my scallop-shell of quiet,
My staff of Faith to walk upon,
My scrib of joy, immortal diet,
My bottle of salvation,
My gown of glory, hope's true gage,
And thus I'll take my pilgrimage.
- Sir Walter Raleigh

Naar Santiago pelgrimeren
Zich tot de Jakobsbroeders rekenen
Op de Camino zijn - Spaans gezegde

CAMINARE EN PRESENCIA DEL SEñOR - motto uit een Spaans klooster (hier heb ik een tegeltje van)

Laat uw voet een effen pad inslaan en laten al uw wegen vast zijn. - Spreuken 4:26

Verleg de aloude grenzen niet, die uw vaderen vaststelden. - Spreuken 22:28

Why go south for sunlight when you can have it at home? - Sunlight soap advertentie

De A.N.W.B. gaat er terecht prat op, dat hij de menschen tot de natuur brengt en zoodoende de levensvreugd van ons volk helpt verhoogen. – Thijsse

http://pilgrimsplaza-gedichten.blogspot.com :

Als je de tocht aanvaardt naar Ithaka,
wens dat de weg dan lang mag zijn,
vol wederwaardigheden, vol belevenissen.

Wens dat de weg dan lang mag zijn.
Dat er veel zomermorgens mogen komen
waarop je heel dankbaar, heel blij
onbekende havens zult binnenvaren;

om mooie dingen aan te schaffen
van parelmoer, koraal, barnsteen en ebbenhout,
en opwindende geurstoffen van alle soorten

Blijf wel altijd denken aan Ithaka.
Daar aan te komen is je doel.
Maar overhaast de reis in geen geval.
't Is beter dat die vele jaren duurt en
je pas als oude man bij het eiland afmeert

Ithaka schonk je de mooie reis.
Bestond het niet, dan was je nooit vertrokken.
Maar méér heeft het je niet te bieden.

En vind je het armzalig, Ithaka bedroog je niet.
Zo wijs geworden, met zo veel ervaring
heb je al wel door waar Ithaka's voor staan.

- Konstantinos Petrou KAVAFIS, GEDICHTEN, 1905-1915
in de vertaling van Hans Warren en Mario Molegraaf

Sinds m'n jonge jaren speelt het door Nat King Cole onsterfelijk gezongen Nature Boy van Eden Ahbez me door het hoofd. Pas onlangs zag ik op tv waar het eigenlijk over gaat. Eden was een hippy van het eerste uur en dit is zijn geloofsbelijdenis:

And then one day
A magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This he said to me:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"

http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/ ... F1000B59DE

On a
avec un charbon
tracé l’angle droit
la signe
Il est la réponse et le guide
le fait
une réponse
un chain
Il est simple et nu
mais saissisable
Les savants discuteront de la relativité de sa vigueur
Mais la conscience en a fait un signe
Il est la réponse et le guide
le fait
ma reponse
mon choix.
- Le Corbusier

In Priez pour nous a Compostelle vergelijken Barret & Gurgand pelgrimage met vogeltrek en dat lijkt me nog de beste verklaring voor alle aspecten tegelijk!

Trouwens, Erasmus heeft ook enkele behartenswaardige woorden in zijn Lof der Zotheid.•

Heel veel vrede, voorspoed en vrolijkheid en met je pelgrims alle rust, reinheid en regelmaat toegewenst in jullie nieuwe home!

PS: Ook een mooie: Een voetstap die geen echo achterlaat; zo denk ik over het leven. - Jan Wolkers
nog een paar:

Het gebed voor de pelgrims in Roncesvalles:
Blessing and Prayer for the Pilgrim
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, who brought your servant Abraham out of the city Ur of Caldeas protecting him through all his travels/wandering, and who was the Hebrew nation's guide through the desert, we ask you to bless these children of yours who, for the love they bear your name, are on a pilgrimage to Compostela.
Be for them their companion on the way, their guide at the cross-roads, their shelter on the road, their shade in the heat, their light in the darkness, their comfort in weariness and their resolve in intentions. So that through your guidance they arrive sound at the end of their road, and, enriched with grace and virtue, return home healthy and full or worthy virtues.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

In Spanish:
Oh Dios, que sacaste a tu siervo Abrahán
de la ciudad de Ur de los Caldeos,
guardándolo en todas sus peregrinaciones,
y que fuíste el guía del pueblo hebreo
a través del desierto;
te pedimos que te dignes guardar
a estos siervos tuyos que,
por amor de tu nombre,
peregrinan a Santiago de Compostela.

Sé para nosotros
compañero y guía de marcha,
guia en las encrucijadas.
aliento en el cansancio,
defensa en los peligros,
albergue en el camino,
sombra en el calor,
luz en la oscuridad,
consuelo en sus desalientos y
firmeza en sus propósitos
para que, por tu guía, lleguemos sanos y salvos al término del camino
y,enriquecidos de gracias y virtudes volvamos ilesos a nuestas sus
casas, lleno de saludable y peremne alegría y paz.

Por Jesuscristo Nuestro Señor. Amén.

One of the oldest pilgrim-songs, writed down in the Codex Calixtinus:

Dum Pater familias
Rex universorum
Donaret provincias
Lus apostolorum
Iacobus Hispanias Lux
Illustrat morum

Primus ex apostolis
Martyr lerosolimis
Iacobus egregio
Sacer est martyrio

Iacobi Gallecia
Opem rogat piam
Glebe cuius gloria
Dat insignem viam
Ut precum frequentia
Cantet melodiam:
Herru Santiagu!
Grot Santiagu!
Et ultreia E suseya
Deus aia nos !

Primus ex apostolis.....

Iacobo dat parium
Omnis mundus gratis.
Ob cuius remedium
Miles pietatis
Cunctorum presidium
Est ad vota satis.

Primus ex apostolis.....

Jacobum miraculis
Que fiunt per illum
Arctis in periculis,
Acclamet ad illum,
Quisquis solvi vinculis
Sperat propter illum.

Primus ex apostolis.....

O beate jacobe
Virtus nostra vere,
Nobis hostes remove
Tuos ac tuere
Ac devotes adhibe
Nos tibi placere.

Primus ex apostolis.....

Iacobo propitio
Veniam speremus
Et quas ex obsequio
Merito debemus
Patri tam eximio
Dignos laudus demus

which can be translated more or less as:
The apostle family- father
King of all apostles
indicate the youngsters
where your works have been done
Over Spain, St James, your light
shines over all your family (of pilgrims)

First of all apostles
Who died in Jerusalem for his faith
St. James full of honour
Who attained sainthood there !

Your Gallicia, St James
Which fame
the difficult road makes it into
a Road of Honour
It asks religious powers
From the pilgrim’s chants: Refrain

Every single being is more
than willing to thank you, St James
Whose healing powers are so great
Warrior of God
Protector of all (pilgrims)
Who is entitled to our praise: Refrain

To Thou we come St James
When in danger your help
was often there full of wonders
Those who struggle in chains)*
Hopefully awaits your salvage: Refrain

Oh very saintly St James
True example of all good
Protect us, when enemies approach,
All, who shelter with Thee,
And give them your Peace: Refrain

St James, your grace
Gives us pardon of all sin.
And that what we fulfil in
obedience (to you) may it be to our well-being
The father without boundaries
You’re entitled to our humble praise

)* Referring to a wonder performed by St James

Do you have walls left?

Jan Brilleman
just for one little wall:
the song they sing in the church of Conques:

Chant des Pèlerins de Compostelle

Tous les matins nous prenons le Chemin,
tous les matins nous allons plus loin.
Jour après jour la route nous appelle
c'est la voix de Compostelle!

Ultreya, Ultreya e suseia. Deus adjuva nos.

Chemin de terre et chemin de foi,
voie millénaire de l'Europe,
la voie lactée de Charlemagne,
c'est le chemin de tous les jacquets.


Et tous là-bas au bout du continent,
messire Jacques nous attend,
depuis toujours son sourire fixe
le soleil qui meurt au Finistère.


aut. J.Claude Bénazet

Jan Brilleman
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Back is blank for engraving.
Jan ,Geert and all others(esp. Sillydoll !)

Thanks for this great contribution to this forum. I'm very pleased with this wonderfull blessings, greetings, mantra's, etc. Some of them are GREAT!

This thread remains open for more nice ,kind and joyfull words! :mrgreen:


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