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Women out there - Deuter backpack

linda piso

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English (Summer 2016)
Portuguese (Fall 2017)
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I don’t have that bag, but I do have a Deuter 45L backpack. It’s been durable and comfortable. I’m leaving it behind my next camino, in favour of an ultralight Gossamer Gear 35L bag.

As long as the bag fits comfortably, it’s likely fine. A proper fit being key.
I have also recently changed to an Osprey 38L from my faithful Deuter 40+10 that has accompanied me on multi Caminos. I must say how wonderfully light my new Osprey was on last year's VDLP compared to the Deuter .
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
Yes I used a Deuter 36 for two caminos (French and Portuguese coastal) and loved it!
Did you know you could have a fitting for your backpack?
I went to our outdoor store in Canada M.E.C..
You want a selection of brands sizes and types to try.
I went with a backpack in mind yet went with another that felt more comfortable.
If you haven't hiked with a backpack before an experienced fitter can help you explain the proper way to wear/ fit and pack .
The way you distribute the items also helps with the comfort.
Buen Camino 👣
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I've tried on a few deuter and never found them comfortable. And that is the key! It's finding a rucksack that fits well - and while my friend loves her deuter, she disliked my lowe alpine ( I now have a osprey) which I found was great for me. There is no one size fits all! Apart from working out roughly the size you need and any particular features (I like decent sized pockets on the hip belt), it's trying them out
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
I have a Dueter 38L which I’ve used on three Caminos. Dueter fits my body (typical female) better than any other pack I’ve used. The frame sits nicely against my back, great access to pockets. Unless you carry a camelback, it’s tricky to pull a water bottle out of the side pocket if you’re alone. But by far the best pack for me.
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
I have used various Osprey women’s backpacks: have the ultralight now discontinued Lumina 45 L, which is truly light (1 lb 12 oz) and looks like a glorified plastic trash bag, never full, it needs to be cinched very tightly or it swings as you walk and I find it requires constant strap re-adjustments while walking🙁. My favorite is the Kyte 35 L weighing a little over 3 lbs and though most comfortable,yet lately due to severe arthritis, this has proved too heavy for me.
Just got a Deuter Speed Lite 28 L SL weighing 840 g. It will make its maiden voyage in about 5.5 weeks. 🤞🤞. If anyone is interested, I am happy to report back post Camino.
What matters most is that your pack fits You well and that You are happy with it. I like the convenience of a pack that will fit a water bladder (the Osprey brand is excellent) and getting a rain cover for it if you are walking anywhere in Galicia. 😉😁
Hope my earlier attempt to reply before I logged in isn’t duplicated…I found Deuter packs to be extremely comfortable mountain biking and the Trail Pro 28L felt equally great just trying it on fully loaded, but I’m going with Osprey Tempest 34L for my upcoming Camino (May 28/June) because I found the Trail Pro 28L too hot walking in my test walks and I don’t sweat heavily. Love Deuter packs but both weigh the same and equal comfort, so Osprey back ventilation won out.
I really like my Deuter ACT LITE 35+10, weighing 1580gr.
It has worked well on 4 Caminos and ready for #5. This past year, tried on a variety to see if I liked any of them better, but no, they all felt weird. My daughter didn't like it at all and got a Jade. It is all about the body type.
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
Disclaimer: I haven’t walked my Camino yet, that’s happening in about 5 months. That said, I will be carrying the Deuter Futura Pro 34L. I live in a somewhat rural area so going somewhere to get fitted for packs, and subsequently try them out, wasn’t really an option. So, we measured at home and I ordered (and later returned) 7 other packs…(I know!!) Multiple Osprey, the Deuter Trail Pro (plus another Deuter), a couple Gregory packs, and a North Face that I already owned. All were in the 32-38L range. Over a matter of a couple days, I loaded the packs with gear and weights and tried them around the house. I found the Futura Pro to be immensely comfortable. Love the hip fins, love the ventilated back, I’m hoping it’s going to work really well. I’ve already packed (I leave in 149 days! 🙄), and I’ve been trying it out a bit. That said, I’ve read many an article or post about how great Osprey is, and their bags are so well reviewed. I really wanted one. But they just didn’t work for me or my body shape. So, as everyone else has already said, no matter what other people give you as pros and cons, you just have to go with what feels right to you. In the end, the right gear is the gear that works for you personally. Its sort of the same thing with shoes, right? I’ve tried multiple shoes that are highly recommended, and hated them. Find your gear sweet spot and go with it! I’ve found that to be true over decades at sea, on trails, and while traveling.
I’ve already packed (I leave in 149 days!
I live in a somewhat rural area so going somewhere to get fitted for packs, and subsequently try them out, wasn’t really an option. So, we measured at home and I ordered (and later returned) 7 other packs…(I know!!)
Bless you! I am in Miami and the nearest REI is over 90 minutes north on a good day. Inventory post COVID seems to be running low everywhere.
Buen Camino!!! Keep enjoying the pre-amble!
Deuter Trail 30. It’s heavier, but a better fit for my long torso. I’ve been very comfortable on training hikes with 8 pounds TPW. I will, however, be packing very light for my Camino. I’m hoping for 10-12 pound TPW.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
I have walked seven Caminos with my Deuter Futura SL 40L. I began my first camino with an osprey, but I wasn't able to get comfortable with it on my shoulders. I felt like the shoulder straps were a little strange. I often felt really weighed down by my bag, specifically on my shoulders. I attempted to adjust the load lifters which were constantly slipping to no avail. I purchased the Deuter by the time I reached Pamplona and fell in love with this bag. It never felt heavy and I found that I wasn't even taking it off during coffee breaks. It weighed more than the other packs which is why I shied away from a Deuter at first, but when I put it on with all my gear it fit like a glove. I didn't notice the extra weight as it truly did carry itself. I recently purchased my fourth bag of the same version when living in Santiago and hadn't brought a backpack with me...can you imagine?!!. I will add that they recently revised the Futura Pro SL (all black) included some clever little tweaks, but unfortunately this included a thiner shoulder strap, which I'm guessing was to cut weight. This was a mistake. I found it cut into my shoulders. Luckily, I still have my older Futura and we are bound for the 3rd Camino Frances in 11 days. I think if the Deuter fits well on you with the weight you plan to carry then you found a great pack. Maybe you can buy it and take it on as few hikes to see how it feels and if it isn't for you, then return it. There's a big difference in a store experience and a few hours on a trail. Best of luck..
Buen Camino
I have used my Deuter 30 + 5 pack for multiple Caminos. I find it to be very comfortable with padding and support in all the right places. Certainly, I have tested its durability and have been quite satisfied. Enjoy your Camino, whichever pack you choose!
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
I have the Dueter 34L which I used on my last Camino and will use it again in May for my 2nd Camino. I love everything about it - air flow, hip pockets etc, but mostly the comfort. I have a fairly long torso and it's perfect for me. I tried various brands before buying, but as most people have said, find the one that's comfortable. Buen Camino 🚶
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I bought a 26L Deuter for my 2013 Camino. I’m wearing it in my avatar. I’ve used it over five Caminos now, and will be taking it on my March 29th Camino in just 1.5 weeks. It’s comfortable. (Lightweight, unless I overstuff it.)
I’m hoping it will be usable this upcoming Camino. I’ve never before needed to carry warm-weather wear or a sleeping bag. However, if I need a bigger pack, I’ll buy a larger Deuter. Buen Camino!
I have 3 deuter packs of varying sizes - I find them very comfortable. They all have the trampoline back for great ventilation. I used the 30L futuraSL for my two previous caminos and will take it again in May for the CP.
Did you know you could have a fitting for your backpack?
I went to our outdoor store in Canada M.E.C..
You want a selection of brands sizes and types to try.
I went with a backpack in mind yet went with another that felt more comfortable.
If you haven't hiked with a backpack before an experienced fitter can help you explain the proper way to wear/ fit and pack .
The way you distribute the items also helps with the comfort.
Buen Camino 👣
Especially it's important to have the load balanced...not to say anything about the wonderful cidre bottles out in the woods on the Norte on the day we walked into Deba, which I told my sweetie I'd carry if we got one, but we shoved it into my pack and it was on one side. The unbalanced load was uncomfortable. (The cidre was good, though!)
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
So...I dug out my two packs. The first one was Deuter ACT lite 45+10. The "ladies" model, they actually displayed it with a flower ponytail elastic in REI. This pack, while it should have worked by the tape measure, never really felt comfortable for me. Possibly if I had shortened it more...anyway I had shoulder pain and would walk down the road holding one strap because of it. Occasionally I had to step aside and do a quick sideways stretch of my back (snap, crackle, pop!) and then it would feel better for a while. But it wasn't really the "fits like a glove" that we're all looking for. Just now, I looked at the back and there might have been room to shorten the torso, but, oh well...you may have noticed that I still have the old one.
Then we went shopping for a lighter pack for each of us. I settled on the Osprey Talon 44, the small size. The sales dude suggested that after using his tape measure. The Small felt good on me. The same tape measure suggested the medium size for DH, but it just didn't feel right, no matter how the straps were fiddled with. The nice young man stepped away for a minute and I handed one of the Small ones to DH and said, Try this one. And it was good. So that's what we got. The difference is, DH has his adjusted to a longer length than mine is. (I have 3 of the little "wings" showing on the back, he has only one.) These fit each of us very well. BUT!
We mixed up our almost identical packs on our last camino and suffered through the same shoulder pains and so on as we had had before, until at least halfway through when I looked down at the packs and said, I think we have each other's packs! So we moved all of our stuff around and then it did indeed feel wonderful. After we got home, I deployed the Indelible Marker to put our initials inside the top of the packs so that wouldn't happen again. ;) Because it's not so much fun holding one pack strap while walking all day long.
No matter what the tape measure says about the length of your torso, you may be the next size over if you're close to the edge of the size range. Try them on.

I have used a Deuter 34L on three Caminos and I love it. (I also have a 28 L but decided I like the extra space in the 34L so I don't have to unpack it completely when I want to take something out). I use 2 Gobigear SegSacs to organize my gear and clothes.
Especially it's important to have the load balanced...not to say anything about the wonderful cidre bottles out in the woods on the Norte on the day we walked into Deba, which I told my sweetie I'd carry if we got one, but we shoved it into my pack and it was on one side. The unbalanced load was uncomfortable. (The cidre was good, though!)
Lesson learned. If you’re going to buy cider be sure to buy 2 bottles to balance the load. 😉
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I really like my Deuter ACT LITE 35+10, weighing 1580gr.
It has worked well on 4 Caminos and ready for #5. This past year, tried on a variety to see if I liked any of them better, but no, they all felt weird. My daughter didn't like it at all and got a Jade. It is all about the body type.

I used the same Deuter for two Caminos and other walks and loved it. It was really comfortable. Last year I moved to Osprey Sirius 36 L when my Deuter looked very ragged - not worn out, just looking worn out. The Osprey is a bit lighter and initially not quite as comfortable but we eventually became friends and I’m loving it for its lighter weight. So get what fits best and is the best weight.
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
Yes, I have the same. I've chosen this one after a fitting in the Outdoors store. I am 1.65 m and the bag is specially for smaller backs.
I've tried it on several trials with sleeping adresses and it works well. But I think I miss a devider between sleeping stuff and clothes and food, etc. It is just one compartment but I never had experienced two compartments.
The two ways to get in de bag is very handy.
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
This is the pack that I use and it’s awesome. I trained in 2020 with 14.5 lbs and yes the empty pack is a bit heavy at 3.9 lbs. But… it comes with a built in rain fly, is compatible with a bladder and is super comfortable. I’m heading out in June for the Camino Frances and will be on the trail for 7 weeks and am using this pack. I’m training with it now same amount of weight and no issues. I’m 63 height weight proportional and in average shape. 😊
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
To summarise - don't take a blind bit of notice of what anyone tells you. Go to an expensive outdoors/hiking store, even more then one store, and keep trying on backpacks and choose the one that feels best. Then buy it before you change your mind.
To summarise - don't take a blind bit of notice of what anyone tells you. Go to an expensive outdoors/hiking store, even more then one store, and keep trying on backpacks and choose the one that feels best. Then buy it before you change your mind.

With expensive I presume you mean specialised shops ? Yes, often these shops sell the more expensive brands but not always. Sometimes good deals can be done with lesser known brands.

Most of the French and Spanish pilgrims I met mostly wore Quechua packs ( housebrand from Decathlon ).
Like many here, I have a Deuter. Mine is a good pack, probably larger than I need, but I do like the breathability. Mine is a good pack, but I prefer having a pack I can access via zipper from the front. It looks like this model has just that... if the fit is right and comfy, it might be a good option. Deuter makes quality products, so it's really about the fit... good luck!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
With expensive I presume you mean specialised shops ? Yes, often these shops sell the more expensive brands but not always. Sometimes good deals can be done with lesser known brands.

Most of the French and Spanish pilgrims I met mostly wore Quechua packs ( housebrand from Decathlon ).
The main reason they are more expensive is they provide customer service, usually good customer service. This would include fitting, asking the right questions and giving informed advice. This costs money. If you know exactly what you want, fine, you can even buy online but for an expensive one-off item it’s worth paying a bit more to get it right IMO.
I have tried a range of rucksacks over time. At 1 point I was very fixed in what I wanted from the 'sack - side pockets where I stored my towel and other stuff etc. Then at an outdoor shop (I mean a specialist shop selling camping/hiking equipment) a staff member persuaded me to forget about the pockets and adopt a packing method based on waterproof bags (the sea-to-summet type). This was a much better approach to packing and knowing where everything was using bags of different colours for things. He also advised me of loading the 'sack.

My current bag is Deuter ACTlite 40 & 10 in which I can put tent, sleeping bag etc and did me proud when I did a year long walking pilgrimage, literally living out of the rucksack for a year. I have a short back and find even rucksacks designed for women too long in the back - I need a 'sack that has an adjustable back so the shoulder straps allow the hip belt to sit properly on my hips so the 'sack weight is on the hips not the shoulders.

I carry water in a bladder - much more convenient than trying to pull a bottle out of a side pocket. The one thing I do find very useful is a small pocket on the hip belt in which I carry sun cream (the small 50cl bottle that can be taken through customs in hand luggage). Other than that, the Deuter has an interior bit of material that is zipped so can be zipped over and create a separate compartment at the bottom in which I put tent, sleeping mat and wet weather clothes, there's a zip on the outside of the 'sack so you can access the bottom compartment. It makes it more convenient to get at when camping.

However, for this year's Camino I don't need such a large rucksack so I will either use a slightly smaller one which I have though I might go on the hunt for a newer, lighter even smaller 'sack. Unfortunately I have developed arthritis in the knee and have to cut down on the weight I carry.
Anyone have the Dueter Trial Pro 34L? Thoughts please. I'm an Osprey person, but really like this bag and wondering what others think? I know it's not the lightest of packs but looking for pros and cons please.
I had a Dueter. I like the pockets, the belt and straps, and how it’s set up, However, it doesn’t fit my short torso as well as my Osprey. Last fall I went with Osprey. It’s not 100% ok. But I think fit is matters most for the Camino.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I have used various Osprey women’s backpacks: have the ultralight now discontinued Lumina 45 L, which is truly light (1 lb 12 oz) and looks like a glorified plastic trash bag, never full, it needs to be cinched very tightly or it swings as you walk and I find it requires constant strap re-adjustments while walking🙁. My favorite is the Kyte 35 L weighing a little over 3 lbs and though most comfortable,yet lately due to severe arthritis, this has proved too heavy for me.
Just got a Deuter Speed Lite 28 L SL weighing 840 g. It will make its maiden voyage in about 5.5 weeks. 🤞🤞. If anyone is interested, I am happy to report back post Camino.
What matters most is that your pack fits You well and that You are happy with it. I like the convenience of a pack that will fit a water bladder (the Osprey brand is excellent) and getting a rain cover for it if you are walking anywhere in Galicia. 😉😁
Would love to hear how you like the Deuter Speed Lite 28L SL. I am seriously considering it for my upcoming Camino
Would love to hear how you like the Deuter Speed Lite 28L SL. I am seriously considering it for my upcoming Camino

You can’t really go on others recommendations. It has to fit your body and have enough space for all your stuff - then it’s good. I like Deuter very much but have not used the one you mention.
Would love to hear how you like the Deuter Speed Lite 28L SL. I am seriously considering it for my upcoming Camino
I used this pack this past April from Valenca to Santiago on the Variante Espiritual. The short answer is, “I loved it!” It is light and fit me perfectly. The hip belts have no padding, I was easily able to reach the storage compartment on the right. The shoulder straps have very little padding, the mesh vest like shoulder straps were very handy, the zippered one on the left will hold an iPhone 13 Pro but not the larger sized Pro Max. As Rita says above, the pack has to fit you and your needs. This one was great for me and fit everything I carried including a light duffel bag to pack the presents bought in Santiago. I used the 1.5 L Osprey water bladder and an Osprey rain cover!
Here’s a back and dorky front view that shows the pack in action.
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...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).

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