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Bayonne to Saint Jean Pied de Port -Transport needed


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
April 2023
Hello Fellow Pilgrims
My wife and I were due to arrive in Saint Jean on Saturday via train from Paris. We booked two nights accommodation in Saint Jean and planned to start walking on the Monday. Unfortunately France’s general strike has affected our plans. We have booked a driver from BlaBlaCars who can take us as far as Bayonne on Sunday (Arrive 1730h) and wondering if anyone had suggestions for the final leg. We would prefer to arrive in Saint Jean on the Sunday if possible.
Thanking you in advance
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Many people use Express Bouricott transfer service, but usually they pick up at the Biarritz airport. You might check their website and maybe could catch a ride from there? I don't know if city buses are impacted by the strikes, but there is a bus to the airport from Bayonne.
Unfortunately France’s general strike has affected our plans. We have booked a driver from BlaBlaCars who can take us as far as Bayonne on Sunday (Arrive 1730h) and wondering if anyone had suggestions for the final leg. We would prefer to arrive in Saint Jean on the Sunday if possible.
Wow, according to https://www.sncf-connect.com/, all the trains from Paris to Bayonne are either cancelled or fully booked on Sunday. As to trains from Bayonne to Saint Jean Pied de Port this Sunday, only the trains departing at 8:16 and 11:24 are cancelled, the 14:19 and the 19:29 (arrival in SJPP at 20:30) are scheduled to run. SNCF advises to check again after 5 pm for the following day.

Otherwise Express Bourricot (if free places, and you must book beforehand, pick-up points are Biarritz airport and the train stations of Biarritz and Bayonne) or taxi, if possible together with others in the same situation …

There are also sometimes suitable BlablaCar offers on sncf-connect departing from Bayonne. Click on the tab “Bus or carpool”.

Buen Camino!
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
During the 2018 train strike, trains from Bayonne to SJPdP were replaced by buses, which left from the Bayonne train station. It was not a problem.
If there is a bus replacing the train it shows up in https://www.sncf-connect.com/. In the schedule, a small bus icon will be displayed instead of a small train icon and the journey time will be stated as 1h 30m instead of 1h 05m.

Pilgrims can check this even when they are already on their train, bus or car trip from Paris to Bayonne. Unless they prefer to travel without mobile phone of course …
Just for info for others than the OP who may be in a similar situation if this current strike situation in France drags on, below are the current possibilities on the Express Bourricot website (for those not familiar: 8 seats in the van, the more passengers the cheaper the trip per person; prices from Bayonne train station are the same as from Biarritz airport). There are definitely pilgrims on their way now …

March 25: Biarritz airport - SJPP
11h30 from 44€

March 26: Biarritz airport - SJPP
13h30 from 65€
15h30 from 44€
20h30 from 33€

March 28: Biarritz airport - SJPP
9h30 from 33€

March 29: Biarritz airport - SJPP
14h30 from 65€
18h15 from 44€

March 30: Biarritz airport - SJPP
11h00 from 65€

March 31: Biarritz airport - SJPP
12h40 from 33€
14h30 from 65€
16h30 from 19€

April 1: Biarritz airport - SJPP
14h30 from 33€
16h10 from 65€
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Thank you all for your advice. We have been able to book the 1930h train to Saint Jean from Bayonne. Hopefully no more hiccups and we will be ready to start our Camino on Monday morning.
Buen Camino
Ray and Glenys
Good luck! I will be a week or so behind you…have looked into flights to Biarritz in case the train to Bayonne isn’t running, but then again the flight is Air France so don’t know if it will be affected as well…
We have been able to book the 1930h train to Saint Jean from Bayonne. Hopefully no more hiccups and we will be ready to start our Camino on Monday morning.
Bon voyage for today! Please let us know how it went - without any more hiccups I hope, too. :)
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
We have a train from Frankfurt to Paris and then to Bayonne for 14 April but with the many strikes, decided to look up flights just in case. Either into Bilbao or Biaritz. Perhaps even for the day before.
Everything is on strike in Germany tomorrow, 27 March and who knows what will be happening in France in 3 weeks!
In France, trains from Paris to Bayonne have been running despite the long lasting strike action (btw, different situation from the wide ranging one-day “warning” strike tomorrow in Germany where Deutsche Bahn say that they will not establish an emergency schedule and keep long-distance trains in their depots).

Even today - I checked Trainline a few minutes ago - there are two trains that will be running from midday onwards from Paris to Bayonne while two others are cancelled. There were also at least two trains that left Paris today for Bayonne during this morning. And a few minutes ago there were even two (expensive) tickets left for today with one in first class and one in second class but they are gone now.

Just for info. It is useful to stay up to date and to stay in the here and now …:cool:. And https://www.thetrainline.com/ is really useful - I am impressed by this website.
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Hello All
Just an update. We arrived safely in Saint Jeans last night, stumbled around the dark streets for a while before finding our villa. Had a good night sleep and start the Camino this morning. Thanks to everyone who assisted.
Ray and Glenys
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Good luck! I will be a week or so behind you…have looked into flights to Biarritz in case the train to Bayonne isn’t running, but then again the flight is Air France so don’t know if it will be affected as well…
You and me both. I also fly air france from cdg to Biaritz 13 April. Hoping things calm down before then 🙏
You and me both. I also fly air france from cdg to Biaritz 13 April. Hoping things calm down before then 🙏
Will you be on flight AF7480??
I will be on the same flight from CDG.
My connection from Canada is only 1hr and 5 minutes. I hope I can get from CDG 2E to 2G without a problem. If not the next flight. See you on our new adventure!
Will you be on flight AF7480??
I will be on the same flight from CDG.
My connection from Canada is only 1hr and 5 minutes. I hope I can get from CDG 2E to 2G without a problem. If not the next flight. See you on our new adventure!
No my flights changed. I'm now flying 14 April, hopefully well see each other and compare notes along the way. Safe travels :)
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.

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