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Camino Ingles in May 2009 Maybe


New Member
Hi All:

I walked the Camino Portuguese this past May and am planning on doing another Camino in May 2009. I am seriously considering the Camino Ingles but have some concerns. There seem to be very few pilgrims and very little pilgrim infrastructure.

As I am a woman and will be traveling alone, any insight or guidance on this route will be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Adrianne

The Camino Ingles is a lovely route and one of its joys is that although numbers have been steadily rising they remain at just over 1,000 in 2007 and I would have thought a little more than this when we see the numbers for 2008. In the last Holy Year over 3,000 walked this route so in 2010 who knows?

But it is getting busier - earler this year I walked this route again from Ferrol and was resting by the track when I heard what sounded like a swarm of bees - a group of 32 Spanish pilgrims then appeared round the corner! They were great fun but I decided to let them go ahead when 2 pilgrms on horse back rode by. But this is unusual.

There are a few albergues and when not, adequate cheap hostal accomodation - I'll PM you with some more information.

A number of female forum members have walked this route and I am sure with post their perspective on your question.

Best wishes

I walked the Camino Ingles from Ferrol in early September. I walked with my husband, but on several occasions, he took a cab or bus and I continued on alone. We never saw another walker. But I was never nervous or felt unsafe while walking alone. I know Rebekah walked the entire way alone in some recent month, and I think she will agree there is no cause for concern.

In terms of infrastructure, as other threads have pointed out, there isn't much yet. We didn't even bring our sleeping bags, just stayed in cheap pensiones the whole way. I would not have stayed at the albergue in Neda by myself, it was too remote (about a km (?) outside town). And Neda is only 12 km out of El Ferrol, so if you start walking in the morning, you will probably not want to stop there. The albergue at Hospital de Bruma, though, is very nice (as is the hospitalero), and I would have enjoyed staying there. As it was, we walked a few more km off the Camino from Hospital to get to Meson do Vento where there is a cheap pension and a 2** hotel. The town also has bars, restaurants, groceries, ATMs, etc, which Hospital de Bruma does not.

Here are the stages I walked.

Day 1 – El Ferrol to Neda (stayed in Pension in town)(12 km) (we left Ferrol around 6 pm, after the tourist office opened at 5:30 so we could get our credencial -- so we essentially split day one into two separate days). That worked very nicely for us, because we spent most of a day in A Coruna (whose centro historico and waterfront is very nice, not to mention the church of Santiago!), then took a quick bus to Ferrol, got our credenciales and headed out of town.

Day 2 – Neda to Pontedeume 13 km (Pension Luis, 40E for two)

Day 3 – Pontedeume to Betanzos, 22 km (Hotel San Roque, special pilgrim price of 63.70 E)

Day 4– Betanzos to Meson do Vento, 31 km (Pension O Meson Novo, 26 E)

Day 5 – Meson do Vento – Sigueiro, around 22 or we km (?) (Hostal Miras, 32 E)

Day 6 – Sigueiro – Santiago, 16 km (Hotel Costa Vella, 60 E)

I would echo Rebekah's comment on another Camino Ingles post, and that is to start from El Ferrol, because it would be a shame to miss Pontedeume and Betanzos. Buen camino, Laurie
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Not a lot I can add to all the above, except to say if you are a tough and sensible enough woman to walk the camino, there´s not a lot to fear from the Ingles.
It´s one of my favorite caminos...so far! Go for it.

Hi Adrianne
A few thoughts on doing the Camino Ingles on your own....
I walked the Camino Ingles in August with my son and only met one other pilgrim en route who was a Spaniard walking with two children.
I was unlucky with the weather and there was torrential rain and thunderstorms on several days. I think I would have been a little lonely if I were on my own. The bad weather meant sitting around in pavement cafes, people watching, was not often an option and we spent more time in our spartan pension rooms than we would have done otherwise. (We were also both suffering with some flu-like bug so were shattered at the end of the day)
I'm not sure I would have been happy sleeping in the huge polideportivo in Siguiero on my own either.
I am not a wimp when it comes to travelling solo but for me part of the fun of the camino is sharing the experience, whether it be with friends, family or strangers. I think a big factor might be whether you are able to converse in Spanish or not. Of course, when you are travelling alone you do tend to meet and talk to more strangers than you do if you are busy engaging with someone you are already with so it's really difficult to say what your experience might be.
I definately wouldn't want to put you off walking this lovely route but it is very different to the Frances and it might be reassuring to know what to expect.
Incidentally, I didn't book any accomodation in advance and never had a problem finding somewhere to stay.
It also might be worth saying that whilst the road was quiet it was never scary!
Good Luck and let us know what you decide to do.
Hi Adrianne also I would like to walk in may on the "camino inglés" to Santiago, but from Oviedo, Aviles, luarca and Ribadeo (Camino del norte); I search informations for a path/ sendera costal along the north/north-west coast of Galicia
good luck and "buen camino"
sorry for my english, I'm french, of course!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hi Adrianne and everyone

I was glad to see your post because I've been considering doing the Ingles solo in September. I walked the Frances with a friend in 2003. I haven't done much traveling alone, know little spanish (although trying to learn) and have no sense of direction. Is it crazy for me to do this alone? I had hoped to meet up with others along the way, but sounds like it could be pretty lonesome. One of my greatest fears is getting hopelessly lost.

Would appreciate any advice.

Hi - it is getting busier. Approximately 1100 pilgirms have walked the route already this year. It has also been freshly waymarked. Use the CSJ guide available to download free and all will be well. Promise :)

JohnnieWalker said:
Hi - it is getting busier. Approximately 1100 pilgirms have walked the route already this year. It has also been freshly waymarked. Use the CSJ guide available to download free and all will be well. Promise :)


Thanks John,

I'll do as you suggest and download the guide.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hello N
I walked the Camino Ingles alone last November using John's guide and following the arrows. Whenever I could not see which way to go I just stood back and looked around, either left, right or ahead and usually saw the next waymark. Also I am sure there will be more people in September. I stayed in hostels and always managed ok with the language.

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