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Camino Portugues de la Via de la Plata


New Member
Hi there
Just wondering if anyone can tell us about the Portuguese route which branches off the VDLP at Zamora and goes via Alcanices, Braganca and Vinhais.

We have Alison Raju's guide but it's a little difficult to get a good picture of how isolated and hilly it is.

Can anyone tell us about their experiences please? The guide says that accommodation is problematic in some sections and that there there is no accommodation at all "for the 49 hilly kilometres separating Vinhais and Verin". What do people do for accommodation on this section? Are there private houses, farmhouses where we could ask for a bed? Do many people do this route?
Any help much appreciated.
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Yes and on the specific point - unless albergues or hostals have opened since she wrote the guide take it to be true that you will have to walk 49k to the next bed on that stage. I found Alison's guide on the VdlP to be precise. But you should check the Confraternity site and others including the Pili Pala Press which provide updates.
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