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Where do ( did ) you walk locally in 2024?

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Aha, a little research and head scratching, and now I see that it's the Kittiwake and was indeed one of those moored for many years in Dunlaoghaire harbour. 'Coninbeg' written on the side of one of those lightships refered to the Coningbeg rock, off the Wexford coast where there was no permanent light. Useless new fact I never knew but I'm happy to know now, it evoked a memory! And it's been sitting down The Docks for years without me noticing it!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Towards Chelsea Sugar Works (pink building) in the far distance, close to the harbour and then along the inner harbour track.

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A Tī Kōuka (Cabbage) tree in flower in my neighbourhood.

Today was a stunning autumn day with a crystal clear blue sky.

My Chilean Guava tree fruit are almost ripe and the Kereru are flocking in to eat them.


When this particular bird flew in it was so low to the ground that I had to dip my head so that it didn't knock me out.

They need to fatten up for Winter and they eat so much that they can barely fly and tend to fly downhill after they have fed. 🥝♥️
8.5 k walk around Rutten where according to the legend a Frisian nobleman got killed on his way back from Santiago de Compostela. Later this Evermarus was made a saint.
Every year in this village there is big reenactment and procesion about the life of St Evermarus.
The local confraternity of St James designed a nice walk and it is en route to the Via Monastica.
It would not be Belgium without a pub and decent beers.

8.5 k walk around Rutten where according to the legend a Frisian nobleman got killed on his way back from Santiago de Compostela. Later this Evermarus was made a saint.
Every year in this village there is big reenactment and procesion about the life of St Evermarus.
The local confraternity of St James designed a nice walk and it is en route to the Via Monastica.
It would not be Belgium without a pub and decent beers.

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Nor without the mud! Did you sit on the sofa?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
A quick circuit along the river and a peek to check if the passage at the end on the southside was opened yet - yes, so that makes for a more pleasant little detour.
Yet another photo of the replica of the Jeanie Johnston. I never pass that without considering the plight of all the emigrants in the 19th century, making their way to the land of opportunity. There truly is nothing new under the sun. Then, the tiny monument to the engineering wonder that helped the construction of the quay walls.
A shot of the contrast between what was monumental in the post Industrial Revolution days, and the monstrosities that pass for buildings in our day.
Later, a look at the confluence of the River Dodder and the Grand Canal with two outflows into the Liffey. I was facing the sun so you might need to enlarge the photo to see the detail.
A snap of the scene of a recent defeat of the Scots in a rugby match! 🤣🤢.
And finally, on the way home, where will I go next?


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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I have been doing some longer walks locally in preparation for the 33rd Canberra Two Day Walk, an event that was taken on a few years ago by the local Rotary clubs, who use it for fund-raising for their charitable endeavours. I'm normally the slowest walker to qualify on the longer distances when I attempt them, but this year I did manage to arrive a little before the qualifying time when there were other walkers behind me.

...Well, I'm still out there roaming, waiting for work, loping about Canterbury on soggy trails.

Have I mentioned it before? No? I Love Ordinance Survey Maps -the old fashioned paper ones which turn to mush in rain. A true english rambler walks in all weather, dangling a cumbersome plastic map-carrier from the neck, out front, a statement....but not me. I can't seem to buy one anywhere.

Day 26 ...grim weather. Too wet and cold to do anything but hide...

Weiss piano, empty church, super heating.

Day 27 ...from Canterbury Cathedral through Stodmarsh wetlands to Plucks Gutter: six hours balancing and skidding ankle deep in mud. Low light.


I missed the bus back. I was standing on the wrong side of the road. No light left for walking so I hitched a ride thinking to go to Monkton, not too far. The driver said, No, it's best that I take you to the Nuns in Minster. They'll know what to do with you... RC Nuns in Thanet???? I thought they'd vanished...


Day 28 Minster to Ramsgate. An odd day, feeling glum.

Comfort food in a 1940s Tea Shop. Pudding with lashings of hot custard and clotted cream. Old songs crackling through the air. Air raid hats and coats slung on hooks, Union Jacks, The Royal Family...that kind of thing.

Waitresses in flower prints, pinnies and cardies. Sensible shoes.

St Augustine's Cross, Ebbfleet

Day 29 ..following The Saxon Shore Way to Deal. Battling head winds along the sea front; cups of tea with the Sallies in Deal. Busing back to Canterbury for another night in The Cathedral Precinct.


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Day 30 ...then along the coastal path and chalky cliffs from Deal to Dover. 17 kms. France on the horizon, phone signals haywire: 'Welcome to France' then moments later, 'EE hopes you enjoyed your trip, Welcome back'.


...Almost "The End" ...
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Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
I have been doing some longer walks locally in preparation for the 33rd Canberra Two Day Walk, an event that was taken on a few years ago by the local Rotary clubs, who use it for fund-raising for their charitable endeavours. I'm normally the slowest walker to qualify on the longer distances when I attempt them, but this year I did manage to arrive a little before the qualifying time when there were other walkers behind me.

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Hi there @ dougfitz! It's good to see you here. Long time no see...
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hi there @ dougfitz! It's good to see you here. Long time no see...
I try and keep a lowish profile these days. I am getting ready to return to the Gudbrandsdalsleden after 12 years of doing other routes, and walking up the western shores of the lakes after leaving Oslo.
Local walk via the cemetery where there is a beautiful artwork by Wesley Meuris.
Tackled some small hills.
Stopped for a croque at a local brasserie.
Already lots of tourists enjoying the blossoms.

Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

A quick trot up Mt Eden (elevation 196 metres
Made me think of what was probably an even quicker trot up Mount Benten. Officially the lowest mountain in Japan. All 6.1 metres of it. :cool: I saw it mentioned in the Shikoku pilgrimage guide and kept my eyes peeled in case I walked past without noticing it. It is hiding in the clump of trees. The third picture is a Google Translate version of the sign.


A quick trot up Mt Eden (elevation 196 metres - one of seven major volcanoes in Auckland) after lunch with friends.
The place where this photo was taken is a harvested sunflower field located approximately 17 km from the town of Ronda, southern Spain. At 36.878° north latitude, 5.236° west longtitude, this field is the antipode to Mt. Eden, Auckland New Zealand (at 36.878° south latitude, 174.764° east longtitude.)

From our first trip to Spain. Picked because it was the antipode to Mt. Eden which I had been to. Peg has since summited Mt. Eden so we are both antipodian.

Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
The place where this photo was taken is a harvested sunflower field located approximately 17 km from the town of Ronda, southern Spain. At 36.878° north latitude, 5.236° west longtitude, this field is the antipode to Mt. Eden, Auckland New Zealand (at 36.878° south latitude, 174.764° east longtitude.)

From our first trip to Spain. Picked because it was the antipode to Mt. Eden which I had been to. Peg has since summited Mt. Eden so we are both antipodian.

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I have looked up the antipode of my house and in a future trip to Spain (perhaps this year) I will make a point of visiting it in the South of Spain. 🥝♥️🇪🇸
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
A forest trail walk. Thrilled to see a Rufous Hummingbird, the hummer with a remarkably long migratory path. The return journey is about 6500 km, from its wintering grounds in southern Mexico to its summer breeding grounds in northern British Columbia and central Alaska. They usually arrive early spring just as the salmonberry and red currant bushes are blossoming - both are abundant in this area.

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Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Cheers @Peter Fransiscus , I learned something new.

" Het Kasteel Heusden dateert uit de 12e eeuw. In de buurt van dit kasteel ontwikkelde het huidige stadje Heusden zich. In het jaar 1157 was er al sprake van een conflict over het bezit van de kapel tussen de abt van Sint-Truiden en een Tempelier."
Quite amazing how in the middle ages a town in Belgium ( my town of birth ) claimed to have rights so way up north.
Cheers @Peter Fransiscus , I learned something new.

" Het Kasteel Heusden dateert uit de 12e eeuw. In de buurt van dit kasteel ontwikkelde het huidige stadje Heusden zich. In het jaar 1157 was er al sprake van een conflict over het bezit van de kapel tussen de abt van Sint-Truiden en een Tempelier."
Quite amazing how in the middle ages a town in Belgium ( my town of birth ) claimed to have rights so way up north.
De kerk van Wijk en Aalburg (gelegen aan de andere kant van het water)is in 1100 gesticht en was toegewijd aan St. Trudo, onder het gezag van Abdij van Sint Truiden (België)
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
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On Easter Sunday a small group of us walked up to the ridge line overlooking the Orroral Valley, one of the earliest places where Europeans settled to the south of Canberra, and later the site of one of the satellite tracking stations used by NASA during the moon landings.
Granite tors, including one nicely balanced on its neighbours on the top of the ridge. The next two images are the views across the valley from the other side of that gap in the rocks.

Looking east across the Orroral Valley. This was a major grazing property running both sheep and cattle. There are two homestead sites here, although traces of the earlier homestead are scant. In the early days of European settlement, these would have had a high level of self-sufficiency, with homestead gardens, orchards, house cows and probably a poultry run. Dry goods like flour and sugar would have been brought in from the nearest town along with other farming supplies, probably two or three days away for most horse drawn drays, perhaps a bit less for a light farm cart or buggy.


Looking south along the valley with the granite forming a cliff at the top of the ridge. The remains of the tracking station can be seen in both these images.
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Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
My usual walk to the pub along a former railway line. Been postponed a few times this week by bad weather and a heavy head cold and cough :-( On the mend now though. Warm sunny day. One of the less happy sights today is the emergence of Japanese knotweed. This part of Wales is particularly badly infested with this highly invasive species. An ecological and economic pest.

Just across the road from the pub there are some bushes coming into fruit. What to call them? Mahonia? Berberis? Oregon grape? The accepted name keeps changing! :) An odd plant - flowers in midwinter and the fruits ripen in spring. Edible fruit but not really worth the effort in my opinion.

The iron daffodils are a popular decoration round here and a speciality of a local metalwork firm.


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Mercer Bay loop track, on the West Coast, north of central Auckland and close to Piha beach.
If Faro de Fisterra can be called the end of the world then this view might be called the beginning of the world. There is nothing but ocean between here and the south coast of Victoria, Australia.

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Along the way

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other views including the obligatory winding road 🚶🥝


A perfect end to an extraordinary day.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
We escaped the craziness of the tourists here ( blossomseason) and drove to the north of this province for a walk in Pelt.
14k of the 15k were in the wood. Gorgeous and quiet.


National Park Bosland.

I was in Rome for a week.
So many steps per dia!
And so many beautiful moments.
Mostly with people.
The eternal moments, wiki can tell you about them.
I met people.
Displaced people.
No photos. Just, only, awareness.
Why, oh, why?
Anyway, in spite of all, a few photos. A pure gift of a week.
St Paul, stitched in a tapestry. Not a happy camper.
Something much older than Paul.
A lunch perch, having been one hour in the Catacomb of San Callistano.

Who were they, the early and mostly rich, Christians?
How determined they were!
No nonsense like we have today! They hoped. They believed...
And some wonderful alcachofas!
We cannot sustain our breathing at high moments. 😁
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Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Mercer Bay loop track and then down to Karekare beach and Karekare falls. Of course walking down is mostly fine but then we need to walk back up. The highest point was 385 metres, lowest was 0 metres and cumulative was 683 metres.

I got a good workout this day!

This puts some of the comments about "steepness" at various places on the Camino Frances into perspective. This isn't even a technically difficult tramp (hike) in ANZ. Families walk this track and none of our group was under 70 and I am very much the youngest at 70.

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Karekare used to be a little known treasure until Jane Campion decided to film The Piano there. The film won Palme d'Or (first female director), was nominated for 8 Academy Awards and won 3.

It is still reasonably quiet because of its remoteness but gets more visitors these days including an extended family from Arizona while we were there.
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A selection of Camino Jewellery
Quite apart from reading rumpled instead of rumped till my eyes looked again! your bird photos are always superb. I wonder what they are actually aware of, can they think? I could and will look it up!

I picked this article, so have the beginning of an answer...
Above is a screenshot.
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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
...it feels fabulous to have escaped the heavy air further inland, to be walking the pebble beaches beside the English Chanel. With a few spare days I am following the English Coastal Path, direction Dover-Folkestone-Hythe ...

... to Folkestone Harbour

Then Hythe...

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Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

In the pub waiting for my mixed grill to arrive. The ex-railway cycle path has a number of information boards. One points out an odd piece of local history. What is now a grassy field with sheep and lambs was once a large military camp set up in preparation for D-Day. The first paragraph of the English text made me laugh out loud. Bizarre but also believable. From the people who brought the world "Dad's Army" and "Whisky Galore!" :)

Earlier in the year we posted a photo of the sea wall at Teignmouth, Devon. (post #122) Visiting again today we walked around town and then towards the sea wall. This is the view looking back towards the pier with the Ness headland behind it and the coast at Torbay in the background. The River Teign comes out to sea at the Ness and the shipping channel can change with the tide. The dredger (near the centre of the photo) was working to keep it clear today. The harbour is behind the town and always needs a pilot for access. There have been a few occasions when a cargo ship has tried to enter without and been beached at the Teignmouth side , or scraped the rocks at the Ness side!

Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Yesterday I walked within the city. I started in The Domain.

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Then I headed down to the waterfront, an area that for me encapsulates the essence of Tamaki Makaurau Auckland.

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I took more photos including more sunset shots but I am only allowed to post 10 at a time and so the rest will have to wait for another day.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
PCT - Day 6 - Julian - Mile 77

So the first 6 days have taught me I can do this. Physically I have no complaints. I can see how the 1000 miles I did in Spain from Jan - March prepared my body well. I got my trail legs in like 3 days and I am seriously cruising.

But I am keeping to relatively short distances at the beginning to start slow for 2 reasons: 1) I don't want to risk injury by starting too hard 2) I am in no hurry to hit the snowy sierras.

I have met a couple of friends. People (including me) are starting to feel more comfortable and being more friendly.


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A single photo today, and apologies for the fact that the sun was shining! The photo is of a plaque inside St James's Catholic church. I will look for more information, but you can see the first date top left. The current building is 19th century, but the abbeys of C10 and 11 included ministry to these areas.
The former Church of Ireland dedicated to St Patrick is now a tourist attraction. Wait a while and the current Catholic building could/ will fall to a similar fate. 😁
When I am volunteering in the Camino information centre, we often facilitate visitors from many countries who want to visit - Australians and New Zealanders, Canadians and other North Americans come to see where their forebears were baptised or married. Other nationalities come because they see an open door, or because they understand that such an imposing building has a meaning... Today, five grand men from Norway came, and let me just say that they gave a donation that would have given bed, evening meal and breakfast to the same number in a donativo on the CF...
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Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
...how peaceful it is on Romney Marsh. Flat lands, luminous sky, sea birds and gulls awakening the dawn...


The other day I headed inland from Dymnchurch walking through the levels to an isolated 12th century church on Walland Marsh - the St Thomas á Becket church. It rests in pasture land, a wood and stone structure with Georgian pews and fittings...

I walked for hours through furrowed earth and garish displays of rapeseed (Brassica napus) alongside drainage dykes frilled in delicate reeds. Misreading the OS map at times, I found myself stuck in a corner of a field without a plank to cross. The murky depths were too deep to plunge so I had to backtrack and start all over again on the other side...

Along the way I passed through the villages of St Mary-in-the-Marsh, had a pub lunch at Ivychurch and just missed out on scones with tea at the Brookland village fête.
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A single photo today, and apologies for the fact that the sun was shining! The photo is of a plaque inside St James's Catholic church. I will look for more information, but you can see the first date top left. The current building is 19th century, but the abbeys of C10 and 11 included ministry to these areas.
The former Church of Ireland dedicated to St Patrick is now a tourist attraction. Wait a while and the current Catholic building could/ will fall to a similar fate. 😁
When I am volunteering in the Camino information centre, we often facilitate visitors from many countries who want to visit - Australians and New Zealanders, Canadians and other North Americans come to see where their forebears were baptised or married. Other nationalities come because they see an open door, or because they understand that such an imposing building has a meaning... Today, five grand men from Norway came, and let me just say that they gave a donation that would have given bed, evening meal and breakfast to the same number in a donativo on the CF...
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...I'm coming to Ireland someday!
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
A single photo today, and apologies for the fact that the sun was shining! The photo is of a plaque inside St James's Catholic church. I will look for more information, but you can see the first date top left. The current building is 19th century, but the abbeys of C10 and 11 included ministry to these areas.
The former Church of Ireland dedicated to St Patrick is now a tourist attraction. Wait a while and the current Catholic building could/ will fall to a similar fate. 😁
When I am volunteering in the Camino information centre, we often facilitate visitors from many countries who want to visit - Australians and New Zealanders, Canadians and other North Americans come to see where their forebears were baptised or married. Other nationalities come because they see an open door, or because they understand that such an imposing building has a meaning... Today, five grand men from Norway came, and let me just say that they gave a donation that would have given bed, evening meal and breakfast to the same number in a donativo on the CF...
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Then I just can't help saying, Norwegians have some debt to settle over there ;-)
Can you hear my little hee haw? Nordic voyages... these guys were gentlemen, including one pastor. You can be proud of them as ambassadors.
Ha ha, just not so proud of those who were there 1500 years ago when we still ate with our hands and lived in caves and looted while the Spanish and Italians had been building cathedrals for hundreds of years..
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Ha ha, just not so proud of those who were there 1500 years ago when we still ate with our hands and lived in caves and looted while the Spanish and Italians had been building cathedrals for hundreds of years..
That was then. You can be truly proud of that group of five lovely men from your country. 🇳🇴
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
...passing days: walking the levels and farmland from behind Lydd (Romney Marsh) via Camber Beach and Rye to Winchelsea... a couple of days with sunny flashes, sudden rain, bitter winds, and poor wee shivering lambs.

Before setting off I had breakfast in the bakery at Lydd... which turned into lessons with an enthusiastic girl on how to read an Ordenance Survey map. Now she's hooked! It wouldn't surprise me if we cross paths in the marshes someday. As a parting shot she said, Here -choose a piece of cake for the day! So, I set off with a large slice of bread-and-butter cake packed with raisins and spices tasting much like a christmas pudding.


St Thomas Church, Winchelsea where many a pilgrim roams the graveyard, searching for the bones of Spike Milligan, a British-Irish actor-comedian-musician-poet-playwright suprême, who lays buried directly in view of the porch...


Between Rye and Winchelsea is one of King Henry VIII defences -Camber Castle, and also a WW2 Starfish decoy
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Monday morning via Aachen to Epen in the south of Limburg to walk for a few days. In Aachen we also came across a Patisserie shop where they only sell gluten-free, Marianne could choose what ever she wanted.

Isabella Glutenfreie Pâtisserie | Gluten-free in Aachen​

Münsterplatz 13, Aachen

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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Monday morning via Aachen to Epen in the south of Limburg to walk for a few days. In Aachen we also came across a Patisserie shop where they only sell gluten-free, Marianne could choose what ever she wanted.

Isabella Glutenfreie Pâtisserie | Gluten-free in Aachen​

Münsterplatz 13, Aachen

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Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
This is what happens when you feed 2 squirrels.
I was on my morning coffee walk in the harbor and tossed a small handful of cookie crumbs in the air, towards 2 feeding ground squirrels.
Before the crumbs landed on the ground all these squirrels came running towards me from their hiding spots amongst the shoreline rocks. Aggressive little guys!


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...the other day I traced a grand circuit from the pebble beach at Hythe up to Peene then along the North Downs via a radio mast to the tiny village of Postling. Walking pilgrims occassionally find sanctuary in the old church, sleeping on uneven, cold tombstones. The descent to Hythe skirted Tolsford Hill then passed by the Eaton Lands allotments...

St Mary and Radegund Church, Postling.

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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Walking around the lakes in the nature reserve near to where I live. Nothing exotic but very nice, despite the grey skies!
Training for the Camino has begun in earnest 😳


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My Thursday wee dander around N. Jetty in Marina Del Rey. About 10 minutes from my home.

Instead of walking along the boardwalk I ambled in the alley and happened upon these mini parks banked my homes on either side.


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PCT: Day 11 - Idyllwild - Trail Mile 152 (Km 248)

Ok, this is seriously fun. It's really starting to develop a "Camino" vibe. I mean inhibitions are being shed and we are all learning to rely on one another just to get to the next water source, the next resupply. I mean today total strangers gave me the number of who to call to get into Idyllwild. A total stranger handed me a sign that read "Idyllwild" so I could hitch. Two total strangers picked me up on the side of the road, because they were paying it forward for the generosity demonstrated to them last year on their own PCT journey.

The littlest things bring a smile to my face. Putting up my tent. Taking down my tent. Eating a meal. Digging a hole and going poo. I just hope my health maintains, as right now I am on top of the world.


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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Yesterday I went for a very long walk from Dymchurch on Romney Marsh in a round-about way through the fields and across dykes to Newchurch. The footpaths after Newchurch had been ploughed over so from there I footed it along a couple of country lanes to St Rumwold's Church, returning to Hythe via the Royal Military Canal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but,,,,,,,

,,, and there is always a 'but' or deviation when out for a Sunday airing,,,

,,,,but before I'd gone more than a few meters down the Dymnchurch high street, an old remodelled corset shop caught my eye. There, pasted to a wall painted Dark Brunswick Greene sat Marie Antoinette herself in a frisson of white and pink with towering pouf saying,


So I did...

...on the wooden wainscoting of St Rumwold's church there is a plague plaque honouring two women of the parish who in 2002 rode their horses, Leo and Apollo from Canterbury to Santiago de Compostela.

In another part of the church there is a banner which may or may not allude to their 2002 pilgrimage. There is'nt a scallop shell in the painting so perhaps it is about another pair of ladies ..does any one know?

St Rumwold's Church, parish of Bonnington, Romney Marsh.


'The world, according to the best geographers, is divided into Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Romney Marsh’. - Ingoldsby Legends (1837)
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Yesterday I went for a very long walk from Dymchurch on Romney Marsh in a round-about way through the fields and across dykes to Newchurch. The footpaths after Newchurch had been ploughed over so from there I footed it along a couple of country lanes to St Rumwold's Church, returning to Hythe via the Royal Military Canal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but,,,,,,,

,,, and there is always a 'but' or deviation when out for a Sunday airing,,,

,,,,but before I'd gone more than a few meters down the Dymnchurch high street, an old remodelled corset shop caught my eye. There, pasted to a wall painted Dark Brunswick Greene sat Marie Antoinette herself in a frisson of white and pink with towering pouf saying,


View attachment 169019
So I did...

...on the wooden wainscoting of St Rumwold's church there is a plague honouring two women of the parish who in 2002 rode their horses, Leo and Apollo from Canterbury to Santiago de Compostela.

In another part of the church there is a banner which may or may not allude to their 2002 pilgrimage. There is'nt a scallop shell in the painting so perhaps it is about another pair of ladies ..does any one know?

View attachment 169020
St Rumwold's Church, parish of Bonnington, Romney Marsh.

View attachment 169022

View attachment 169021
'The world, according to the best geographers, is divided into Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Romney Marsh’. - Ingoldsby Legends (1837)
I admire your commitment to keeping on keeping on. I do hope it was a plaque and not a plague... 🤣. And those ladies were dressed thus in 2002?
I am a bit discombobulated after trying to 'capture' implications of changing utility companies for the coming year. Apart from the rapid rate of speech on the part of the agents, the confusing options that cannot be emailed...
I know, that has nothing to do with camino, except that utility payments might preclude freedom to go on a peregrination!😁
Ignore it all, my piece, and keep on keeping on. You are finding your way.
I admire your commitment to keeping on keeping on. I do hope it was a plaque and not a plague... 🤣. And those ladies were dressed thus in 2002?
I am a bit discombobulated after trying to 'capture' implications of changing utility companies for the coming year. Apart from the rapid rate of speech on the part of the agents, the confusing options that cannot be emailed...
I know, that has nothing to do with camino, except that utility payments might preclude freedom to go on a peregrination!😁
Ignore it all, my piece, and keep on keeping on. You are finding your way.
...well I have to do something. There'll be work one of these days...

There was also a scallop shell at the bottom of a darkened painting underneath the loft too:
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The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
PCT: Day 11 - Idyllwild - Trail Mile 152 (Km 248)

Ok, this is seriously fun. It's really starting to develop a "Camino" vibe. I mean inhibitions are being shed and we are all learning to rely on one another just to get to the next water source, the next resupply. I mean today total strangers gave me the number of who to call to get into Idyllwild. A total stranger handed me a sign that read "Idyllwild" so I could hitch. Two total strangers picked me up on the side of the road, because they were paying it forward for the generosity demonstrated to them last year on their own PCT journey.

The littlest things bring a smile to my face. Putting up my tent. Taking down my tent. Eating a meal. Digging a hole and going poo. I just hope my health maintains, as right now I am on top of the world.
The "Eagle Rock" area is great !
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island

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