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Quote: 'Litter, noise and vandalism are increasing in Santiago de Compostela' Newspaper article 18.11.2022

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Time of past OR future Camino
Frances, Inglés, San Salvador+Primitivo, Norté etc
This is my+google translate translation of an article in the Vorarlberg News (Austria), 18.11.22:

‘Pilgrim flood on the Way of St. James’ Litter, noise and vandalism are increasing in Santiago de Compostela. SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA

'...The destination of the Way of St. James in Santiago de Compostela is booming this year - even now in autumn when 430,000 pilgrims received the certificate of arrival in 2022, according to the pilgrimage authority Oficina del Peregrino. That is a good 20 percent more than in the entire previous record year 2019. Many do not even pick up the certificate - and are not counted. The cash registers are ringing louder than ever in the place of pilgrimage in north-west Spain. The operators of the now very expensive hotels, private accommodation, souvenir shops and restaurants are rubbing their hands. But not everyone is happy. Because unlike in Lourdes or Fátima, religiosity and devotion are no longer the focus of the stream of visitors. Litter, noise and vandalism are increasing. Many residents of the UNESCO-protected old town are angry or desperate. "It's a trend that started a few years ago, but this year it was particularly bad, in the summer it was simply unbearable at times," says a resident of the German Press Agency. In the centre of the capital of Galicia, it is very noisy during the day. Then a lot more in the evening. Especially in the Rua de Franco, the 400 meter long party mile not far from the cathedral.

The criticism in the media and social networks is drastic. Mass tourism "like in Venice or Mallorca" is bringing the city with 60,000 inhabitants and the limited infrastructure "to the brink of collapse". Traditional trade is being pushed out by souvenir shops, hip bars and chains. Because of the Airbnb boom, there is a dramatic housing shortage. Regional media warn that the Way of St. James could "perish from its own success."...'

In had to read this through several times. It arouses many emotions in me as well as ‘...hang on a minute…’ ‘but...but...but’ and ‘...don’t forget…’ I've never been aware of this '...400 meter... Party Mile' (??)', a contradiction and exaggeration in itself. I would welcome your feedback/discussion on article, especially from experienced moderators and pilgrims, people who live year-round in Santiago and 'first-impression' first-time pilgrims, to help me to piece together an objective response to this article. Official statistics will be welcome, too. My thoughts at the moment are:
  • Is the article ‘alarmist’ and inaccurate, selective?
  • Why is the finger is being pointed specifically at pilgrims over the last few years?
  • Where are the statistics to support this rhetoric?
The Way of Saint James has existed for over a thousand years. I do not believe The Way will ever perish, but avarice and tourism are taking their toll in Santiago and on the popular Caminos. I had a chat with someone I see every year that I am in Santiago, and for the first time she complained that AirBnB is having a drastic effect upon the city in winter, as flats and properties have been vacated year-round by established locals and their lack of year-round presence is being felt by small and large businesses and the community.

What is your response?

Ralph Keith
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
As a resident of santiago, it was very busy this year.. but it was not that bad. It feels a bit strange that one of the sources for thus article was: “resident of the German Press Agency”.

It seems very one-sided this article.
Yes, the German Press Agency contact is odd. I have not noticed more graffiti etc than usual around cities and urban areas.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

@RalphKeith could you please post the original article? Because things get lost in translation. Furthermore it is always interesting to know a bit more about author/ journalist and the cultural background of this presssource.
The Journalist/Author is not listed. Here is the original. Let me know if the translation is up to scratch (Austrian-German is not the same as High-German, and these local papers use their own dialect a lot, although I find this article fairly standard):
Vorarlburg Nachrichten 18.11.22 Pilger-Flut am Jakobsweg
Vermüllung, Lärm und Vandalismus nehmen in Santiago de Compostela immer mehr zu. SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELLA

An Ziel des Jacobswegs in Santiago de Compostella herrscht dieses Jahr Hochkonjunktur - sogar jetzt noch im Herbst als 430,000 Wallfahrer erhaielten 2022 bereits die Ankunftsurkunde, wie die Pilger-Behörde Oficina del Peregrino informiert. Das sind gut 20 Prozent mehr als im gesamten bisherigen Rekordjahr 2019.Dabei holen sich viele die Urkunde gar nicht ab - und werden nicht gezält. Im Wallfahrtsort in Nordwestern Spaniens klingeln die Kassen lauter denn je. Die Betreiber der inzwischen sehr teuren Hotels, Privatunterkünfte, Souvenirläden und Gaststätten reiben sich die Hända. Aber nicht alle freuern sich.. Denn anders als in Lourdes oder Fátima stehen Religiosität und Andacht hier längst nicht mehr im Mittelpunkt der Besucherströme. Vermüllung, Lärm und Vandalismus nehmen immer mehr zu. Viele Bewohner der von der Unesco geschützen Altstadt sind wütend oder Verzweifelt.

"Es ist eine Tendenz, die schon vor einigen Jahren begann, aber dieses Jahr war es besonders schlimm, im Sommer war es zeitweiligschlicht unerträglich", erzählt eine Bewohnerin der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Im Zentrum der Hauptstadt Galiciens ist es tagsüber schon sehr laut. Abends dann noch um einiges. Yor allem in der Rua de Franco, der 400 Meter Langen Partymeile unweit der Kathedrale.

In Medien und den sozialen Netzwerken ist die Kritik drastisch. Der Massentourismus "wie in Venedig oder auf Mallorca" bringe die Stadt mit 60,000 Einwihnern und der beschränkten Infrastruktur "an den Rand des Kollaps" Der traditionelle Handel wird von Souvenirläden, hippen Bars und Ketten verdrängt. Wegen des Airbnb-Booms herrscht dramatischer Wohnungsmangel. Regionalmedien warnen, der Jakobsweg könne "am eigenen Erfolg zugrunde gehen."

Ralph Keith
The Journalist/Author is not listed. Here is the original
The article in the Vorarlberger Nachrichten is unlikely to be the original article.

When I put "Das sind gut 20 Prozent mehr als im gesamten bisherigen Rekordjahr 2019" into Google News, I get numerous hits for news media where this article, or a very similar one, was published, all of them around 16-19 November 2022. The original version was perhaps published on geo.de where it has a copyright: Emilio Rappold/dpa. Dpa means Deutsche Presseagentur - a kind of German "Reuters".

The - in machine-translated English - weird sentence says of course in German: erzählt die Bewohnerin Beatriz der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Which means that one of the inhabitants of Santiago said something to the agency, and not that she is a resident of the agency. Note that this person has a first name, something that is omitted in the Vorarlberg article. Not important but it is an indicator for a copy-pasted or rewritten news item. The Austrian article also omits the reference to the "Ballermann"-Stil. German readers will understand this reference, Austrian readers probably not.

The whole thing refers to news in Galician newspapers in August 2022. As I don't live in Santiago I can only say what I gather from careful news reading: It concerned some grassroots civic activism and some party politics at the city council level, brought to a wider audience's attention in the context of the European Youth Pilgrimage event with an extraordinarily high influx of visitors walking into the historical part and center of Santiago. To me, it did not sound as if all this had reached the level of discontent that we read about the situation in Barcelona, Amsterdam or Venice; far from it.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I seem to have found the 'source' of the Austrian article: 'Stern' newspaper. Its obviously been 'lifted' for the Austrian article:

It is 'dramatic' and 'alarmist'. The main headline reads:

"...Residents criticize the rush of pilgrims on the Way of St. James: "We are being driven out of our city" The first paragrph: "Five young pilgrims on wheels rattle down the steps to Obradoiro Square in front of the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela at high speed - and give two slowly strolling clergymen a huge fright. Just a few meters away, two dozen Mexicans celebrate their arrival with little dances and songs. "Llegamos, llegamos!" - "We're here, we're here!" they shout. At the end of the Way of St. James there is a boom this year - even now in autumn."

The article has more content than the smaller version, and includes increased criminality and more 'alarmist' content. Should we just ignore these 'Comic-sensationalist' newspaper articles. I find it hard to take seriously although I know there is some truth in it, they've simply 'sensationalised' it all. A sad condemnation of pilgrims, though.
Ralph Keith
The article in the Vorarlberger Nachrichten is unlikely to be the original article.

When I put "Das sind gut 20 Prozent mehr als im gesamten bisherigen Rekordjahr 2019" into Google News, I get numerous hits for news media where this article, or a very similar one, was published, all of them around 16-19 November 2022. The original version was perhaps published on geo.de where it has a copyright: Emilio Rappold/dpa. Dpa means Deutsche Presseagentur - a kind of German "Reuters".

The - in machine-translated English - weird sentence says of course in German: erzählt die Bewohnerin Beatriz der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Which means that one of the inhabitants of Santiago said something to the agency, and not that she is a resident of the agency. Note that this person has a first name, something that is omitted in the Vorarlberg article. Not important but it is an indicator for a copy-pasted or rewritten news item. The Austrian article also omits the reference to the "Ballermann"-Stil. German readers will understand this reference, Austrian readers probably not.

The whole thing refers to news in Galician newspapers in August 2022. As I don't live in Santiago I can only say what I gather from careful news reading: It concerned some grassroots civic activism and some party politics at the city council level, brought to a wider audience's attention in the context of the European Youth Pilgrimage event with an extraordinarily high influx of visitors walking into the historical part and center of Santiago. To me, it did not sound as if all this had reached the level of discontent that we read about the situation in Barcelona, Amsterdam or Venice; far from it.
I think I've located the source:
Ralph Keith
This, excuse me, bullshit article has been sold up and down the german newspapers, which unfortunately just copy and pasted without a second of fact checking it into their various publications.
I have been sent links to various incarnations of it from at least four different persons and been asked if it was really this bad... Frankly I am getting pretty annoyed by it now.

Half a minute of google turned up those 8 exactly same publications from various newspapers. I have not bothered to continue on "page 2", but there are likely more.
For me, it is a quite sobering experience of the workings of modern media...

The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
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