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VdlP April 2009


New Member
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I'm planning to start from Seville just after Easter 2009, probably April 16 or 17. Plan to average 25 km/day, which is a bit slower than I did the CF this year.

Anyone else planning to be on the VdlP then?
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Hi, Roy, If the Camino stars align properly, I hope to walk from Sevilla about the same time as you. I am tentatively planning on arriving in Sevilla a few days after Easter. I've been following Mermaid Lilli's blog and see how few people walk this way, so I'm glad to hear from someone else planning to go around the same time! Laurie
And Laurie, I plan when I have time to continue the blog and upload my pics. But I can tell you, it is still not crowded. I am now on my way to Finisterra and yesterday I was the first to arrive in Olveiroa, and since they do not open the albergue until 3:30pm, I went and hung out at the bar. Much to my surprise when I got back to the albergue, there were many backpacks lined up, something I had never seen before! I got the last bed, fortunately. My son and his friends arrived later and slept in an horreo, tightly, and very cold last night. Others on the kitchen floor.
So stick with the plans for the Via....much calmer.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I'm hoping to walk VDLP at about the same time next year. I haven't told by nearest and dearest yet but I realise all my planning is leading that way. I catch myself researching Spanish classes and mentally running through packing lists.

I'm sure when I finished the Camino Frances last year I thought never again, but I guess St James hasn't finished with me yet.

My plans are to arrive in Seville on April 22, 2009. I will be a few days behind y'all. I have five friends from my 2007 walk (Camino Frances) being pulled to walk VdlP at this same time. We all walk different paces, and daily kilometers, but manage to catch up with each other every few days.

So perhaps I will see you also along the way.

Just thought I'd bring this up to the top to check and see if anyone else has dreams, hopes, or plans to walk the Vdlp next spring. I'm hoping to start from Sevilla, and I'm looking at any time between April 1 and April 14 for my start date. Do any of you who have walked on the Vdlp have any recommendations on those dates? I know that Semana Santa is April 6-12, but I assume that the albergues are only available for pilgrims. If you've had experiences with walking in April and/or Semana Santa on the Vdlp, good or bad, it'd be great to hear about them.
Thanks, Laurie
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
Dear Laurie,
Yes, I walk the VdlP over Semana Santa leaving Sevilla on March 30 arriving Salamanca on April 20.(approx)

A lovely time of the year to walk -- only one rainy day,at Bejar.
Semana Santa presented no problem at all, until we arrived in Salamanca on Monday of Holy Week. The alberque was full and it took a little time to find a pension. I suppose we could have done the obvious thing and booked something, but hey, this isn't what pilgrimage is about.

There are religious processions in Salamanca throughout Holy Week, so it is an idea not to get a place which is TOO central.......[A problem I met in Estrella, many years ago]

And enjoy. If you can, make your first stop at Italica. The Roman ruins are worth exploring.

The pull up to Monasterio is tough.....

All good wishes
All of you planning to walk Via de la Plata in April: As you can see on this forum, you will not be alone there. April is a good time of the year walking Via de la Plata. The nature is just wonderful. But people from all over are discovering this fact. Via de la Plata in spring are not always a calm place any more. I have been there in April 2006 and 2008. This year I will start in Zamora in the middle of April - I think. Bjorg
I started May 5th and it was not crowded except for Merida there was a large amoung of cyclists, but beds were available. Lovely time of year to walk as well, maybe a little less chilly? I don't know, but I sure spent some very cold moments.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I'm planning on walking the Levante from Valencia, starting as soon as possible after Easter. The Levante combines with the VdlP from Zamora, so I hope to see some of you then,

MermaidLilli said:
I started May 5th and it was not crowded except for Merida there was a large amoung of cyclists, but beds were available. Lovely time of year to walk as well, maybe a little less chilly? I don't know, but I sure spent some very cold moments.

Currently en-route from Granada to Santiago. I am now close to Astorga. I have met just Two other people actually walking on track between here and Granada. However, in Merida, Zafra, and Caceres the albergues were all full. Mostly Germans. I suspect it was a german holiday couple of weeks, or something.

With just Two other excpetions when I found just One French gut heading for Alicante (in Zamora) and a couple in a small albergue south of Salamanca I have enjoyed entire albergues all to myself.

I have just spent a week off track in a secret mountain village with a 40 bed 'secret' albergue. My own base from which to explore lesser known hiking trails for a whole week.

I suspect things will be very different from Astorga onwards.
....oooh, I think I know that "secret place" too! It´s amazing and so restorative.

I was hospitalera at the Salamanca albergue the first two weeks of April 2008, and had several nights alone there... and then as Holy Week approached the place started to really fill up with people using their holiday to make the pilgrimage. Keep that in mind. Easter week sees a lot more traffic on all the caminos.

The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
So can your forum mates be privy to the secret albergue? Is it between Zamora and Astorga or between Zamora and Ourense?
:wink: Just wondering, Lillian
MermaidLilli said:
So can your forum mates be privy to the secret albergue? Is it between Zamora and Astorga or between Zamora and Ourense?
:wink: Just wondering, Lillian

A small remote village north of Ponferrada (closest pilgrim trail albergue). Bus from Ponferrada into the mountains is pretty regular (€2.70). A 15KM hike from closest small town. Up - down and then all the way back up again. 1100 Meter pass. It is a stunningly beautiful place with wildlife including wolves and bears! I've documented the place photographically and will publish on my blog when I return after reaching santiago and visiting Las Playas las Catedrales (sp?) possibly in the New Year.

The place isn't actually operating officially, but it all functions and a very good artist friend of mine is village caretaker. A beautiful base from which to explore many good day long hikes through stunningly beautiful mountain scenery. Anyone interested can contact me here by PM, or via my website for contact information.

A Google search for 'Villarbon, albergue' may give more info in Spanish. I managed to research and photograph quite extensively. Check my blog again after Christmas. Very special, unspoilt corner of Europe.

Completely off topic; seems I was once again the wrong sort of pilgrim to be allowed to use the peregrinos albergue in Astorga. Credentials, passport all in order, but 'NO' said the control freak on the desk. I must go to scumbags homeless albergue down the road. Now I know I looked and probably smelled a bit like someone who had just hiked over 40KM with 40 Kilos+ because that's pretty much the sort of pilgrim I am. So why the f*** to all the ponces with their carbon fibre rods and designer labels (all spotlessly clean) get a pilgrim bed when I don't?
..probably because some of the hospitaleros are as hopelessly middle-class as the designer-label people in the beds. They´re totally hospitable to people who remind them of themselves.

It´s Humanity, man. The rich get richer, the poor get ... children.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Back onto the (somewhat) thread: One of my favorite Via de la Plata breaks is just south of Baños de Montemayor, in a little mountain town called Hervás. It´s not so undiscovered and wildlife-y as your discovery, but there´s a wonderful albergue set up in the old train station, dozens of hikes all over the mountains all ´round about, a remarkable Judería, hot springs, and some very good food, too. It´s a vibrant, lively town only about 4 km. east of the Via, and almost no pilgrims ever go there.
That is really bad!! Which of the Four albergues did you try? I can't imagine anyone being turned away from San Javier (close to the cathedral) they are just the most hospitable people.
sillydoll said:
That is really bad!! Which of the Four albergues did you try? I can't imagine anyone being turned away from San Javier (close to the cathedral) they are just the most hospitable people.

It was the main 'albergue peregrino publico' that turned me away. Stayed at San Javier. Nice bunch, but an unprecise guess would put sleep at about 7 minutes 22 seconds for the entire night.

I'm shattered and looking forward to a pension room for the night in Leon.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
Rebekah Scott said:
Back onto the (somewhat) thread: One of my favorite Via de la Plata breaks is just south of Baños de Montemayor, in a little mountain town called Hervás. It´s not so undiscovered and wildlife-y as your discovery, but there´s a wonderful albergue set up in the old train station, dozens of hikes all over the mountains all ´round about, a remarkable Judería, hot springs, and some very good food, too. It´s a vibrant, lively town only about 4 km. east of the Via, and almost no pilgrims ever go there.

Yes, I concur. Hervas was a wonderful diversion from the VdlP. I recall a fascinating museum and a couple of good restuarants. If anyone is thinking of diverting to Hervas to Banos de Montemayor, I would strong advise that you don't walk along the old railway line. this is a punishing 4km.

All good stuff
Perhaps we need a seperate thread for off-route break suggestions?

I'm currently enjoying a very wet, cold and snowy Leon city break. Glad I came despite the weather. Best stained glass window collection I've ever seen. Very impressive.
Hello, Lost P,
I'm sorry, but Ive been reading along this thread (and some of your others which are quite interesting) ... you were turned away from the albergue in Astorga, but are now in Leon? Did you go back? Have I lost my mind or isn't Astorga after Leon??? I'm sorry if I appear thick, but I can't seem to figure this out... have I missed something? I walked the Francés twice.. and I could swear that I walked from Hospital de Orbigo to Rabanal on one day... passing through Astorga... and they are all after Leon.
Buen Camino,
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Deirdre said:
Hello, Lost P,
... and I could swear that I walked from Hospital de Orbigo to Rabanal on one day... passing through Astorga... and they are all after Leon.
Buen Camino,

Hi Deirdre,

I'm currently on an off-route diversion. I have been walking from Granada to Santiago trying to follow as true a route as possible to that a pilgrim may have walked a Thousand years ago. Along my journey I am taking small diversions to visit interesting people and interesting places recording photographic documentaries, photo-essays and video interviews to publish on my blog at a later date.

I have to meet someone on Sunday in a small village just outside of Astorga, so I've decided to hang around in Leon for a few days to try and make some cash to see me through to Ourense. From Ourense I'll continue to Santiago on my chosen Via de la Plata/Mozarabe route then follow Camino Frances 'backwards' as far as Lugo before heading to Play de las Catedrales on the coast. Not sure where I'll be going from there.

I'm walking my caminos for the sake of exploring all of Spain more than anything else. I see little point in walking all this way if I can't take the odd diversion here and there when something, or somebody catches my eye.
Got it! Thanks! I've read many of your posts, some of your blog and just thought perhaps you got lost and were heading in the wrong direction! :lol: I look forward to seeing your photographs and hearing more about your adventures....
Buen Camino
Deirdre said:

"Have I lost my mind or isn't Astorga after Leon??? I'm sorry if I appear thick, but I can't seem to figure this out... have I missed something? I walked the Francés twice.. and I could swear that I walked from Hospital de Orbigo to Rabanal on one day... passing through Astorga... and they are all after Leon..."

This is known as the "Tinto Effect." This is the main reason the yellow arrows are so abundant, and why the Camino Frances is likened to a "moving sidewalk" that doesn´t require maps or long-term memory, or even a lot of awareness! Wait til a year has passed, and you try so hard to remember what WAS the name of that village where so many important things happened?

Even as tinto (or orujo, or pacharan) creates this effect. And a shot of any of the above will likely clear the fog around your memory.

Ein prosit!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Point well taken, Reb! Your post reminded me that I returned from Spain last year with a lovely and as yet, unopened bottle of Paxtarán. I think I'll go right now and check it out - the fog definitely needs clearing! :wink:
Buen (hic!) Caminioeeeeee.
hello everyone ,
As a new member ,
just wondering why so many of you walk the Via in April ? Any special reason ?
I biked from Holland to SDC in May following the camino Frances , the weather was nice . Plan to cycle the Via starting in Malaga in May next year . 8)
I believe walkers are concerned of the hot months. I started May 5 as a walker and most of the time I had to wear warm clothes. Finished July 2 and it was still chilly, especially the mountains.
Another reason is the assumption that there will be less pilgrims. When I read the sign-in books in the albergues I found many more entries from April than in May. I also had a few times the albergues to myself.
So, I think May is great!
Train for your next Camino (or keep the Camino spirit alive) on Santa Catalina Island
Back to the origin of this Thread - The Via de la Plata and April,presumably,this year?

Leaving Triana Backpackers on 15 th April

Destination Caceres - two venerable, not venerated ,Pelegrinos,both male
Hi Musicman. I'm a bit uncertain as to whether Jamilla will be ready (and tested) in time - trip was planned for last year, then she shed a wheel on her first training walk and it was back to the drawing board - but we're hoping to set out from Triana on the 15th, too. (I'm 'venerable', Jamilla is just a baby.)
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Hi Musicman I am leaving from Seville April 10th. So I will be a few days ahead. You can see what is ahead on my blog Buen Camino

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