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Jet Lag After Flying Direct from Australia to Paris for Camino Starting in St Jean


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I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I did the same on my first camino. felt jet lagged for sure, but it just meant I started walking really early in the morning as I couldn't sleep. It was a massive day over the pyrenees, and I was utterly wrecked at the end of the day.. that's about it, sorts itself out over a few days. when your only priority is to walk, I wouldn't say it was a concern. Everyone is different of course.
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
No way - find that it’s a massive flight and adjusting to new time zone would wreck me. I always have a few days in madrid or in your case where ever you land to rest up and adjust to new time zone. The hike at the start is a difficult climb. But as everyone is saying - we are all different.
I admire your courage. I’ve done 3 Camino’s including the Frances and I’ve always allowed several days to adjust and acclimatise. I fly from Australia too. Good luck, though if you have time I’d allow three days from A to B before you start hiking over the Pyrenees.
Hi @pak. I’ve done this a few times - travelled from Sydney to Paris to SJPP (or elsewhere) and started walking the next day. I think I’m going to have a rest day first, but once I’m there I just want to start walking. I’m sure I was jet lagged, but the thrill of starting out-weighed that. Also, in my non-scientific opinion, there’s nothing like some fresh air and activity to shake off jet lag.

Of course it depends on the individual but … If you are walking to Orisson on your first day you’ll probably be just fine. You can have a sleep in and start mid morning, or even later in the day and then relax at Orisson. yes, it’s a steep climb but it only takes a few hours - as you know as it’s your second Camino Frances (unless you went the Valcaros route the first time). Enjoy 😎
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
What's the hurry. My choice is to aim for a relaxed state of mind. No quick flight or train connections, a day or more of orientation, a few days at the end.

Even 30(edit) to 40 kms days are possible if you wish in a relaxed state of mind.
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Having flown from the States to Paris a couple times, I, like others have had some jet lag. It’s a grueling day arriving at CDG in the morning and making it to SJPP before nightfall. Doable, but very tiring and all your connections have to be spot on (not sure if your flying or taking the train south to Biarritz/Bayonne). However, I do like your plan of only going as far as Orisson your first day on the Camino. Even with some jet lag, the short hike to Orisson should be very manageable. Sleep in, have a nice breakfast, leave late morning, and then take your time up the few kilometers to Orisson where you can relax rest of the day.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, jet-lag can be an issue. I recommend you fly with either Asiana or Korean airlines. They leave Australia in the morning, landing in Seoul late afternoon. You are then taken to a very nice hotel nearby to enjoy an excellent room, delicious buffet dinner and breakfast, all included in the fare whichever class you fly. Towards lunchtime you are returned to the airport. Wherever you fly in Europe you leave early afternoon arriving at your destination late afternoon. No jet-lag! Both airlines are very good!
I admire your courage. I’ve done 3 Camino’s including the Frances and I’ve always allowed several days to adjust and acclimatise. I fly from Australia too. Good luck, though if you have time I’d allow three days from A to B before you start hiking over the Pyrenees.
Have done that from Australia, no jet lag. I guess everyones different though! Thusual - drink plenty of water, avoid alcohol and caffeine during the flight, sunlight as soon as you can. I hope it goes well for you. Buen Camino & Ultreia!
Cabins hosting up to 7, gluten free and vegan, heated saltwater pool. Fisterra-Muxia
I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
While I have done that route, it’s a long way and a long time traveling. Any delay on route can impact total journey time. I had 2 nights in St Jean, lucky for me as we were delayed and it allowed me to have an extra day exploring St Jean. Sorry lucky I booked an extra night. Buen Camino
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I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
I think you’ll be so excited jet lag won’t be an issue but you’ll want to go to the pilgrims office in st jean on that day after you get settled wherever you stay.
ORISSON like someone said you should be fine. Not too far.
Buen camino
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
Did the exact same 24 April 2013
You'll get to St Jean late arvo if by train
I stayed at Hotel Ramuntcho
Slept well had breakfast, wandered to the Pilgrim office
Had a look around town
later the 10k walk to Orrison
Still a bit jetlagged but great by the next day Anzac Day dawn in Orrison
I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
I would say it all depends on the individual.
Age, health, fitness.
If you managed to get any sleep on the flight.
How you feel on arrival etc etc.

I have done Sydney-Paris a couple of times to start a Camino.
Both times I stayed a night in Paris to recover a bit.
Without that, I'd feel really worn out I think.

But many seem to do it OK.

I think if you are only heading up to Orisson on Day 1, that will make a big difference.
I typically find it easier to fly westward with regard to jet lag. Most of my experience is USA to Japan or Australia. I *do* wake up early the first few mornings. Getting out in the sun is a great way to reset your clock.

That said, I think it's ambitious to dive right in to the walk with only one night rest, but you know your body the best! I'm almost 64, to put my thoughts in some perspective.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.

Buen camino! May your walk be a good one!

I have never had jet lag flying from Australia to Spain ie flying from East to Weast, and have always been able to get started the day after I arrived. The reverse is true however when I fly home going from West to East, and it takes me usually 10 days before I get rid of the last of the jet lag [please nobody send messages on how to avoid jet lag, I have tried them all!]! It will be interesting to see how things turn out on my trip in September, as I am flying to Spain via USA, and returning through there as well. So it will be the opposite to what I have done before.

Be brave. Life is joyous.

I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
Am I wrong in assuming that you have never done a direct Australia-Europe flight before? I have done it nearly 20 times and have had jet lag each time. Recovery time varies but please budget at least 2 nights in Paris, preferably 3. You will likely experience a buzzing head and incredible sudden-onset tiredness during that time, and you will be grateful to have a warm private hotel bed at your immediate disposal.

Beyond that, buen camino!
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I'm planning my 2nd Camino starting in May. My plan is to fly direct (via Singapore) to Paris arriving at 7.30am and then onto St Jean on the same day. Overnight in St Jean and start walking the next day to Orisson.
I'd be interested to hear from pilgrims that have done this and how jet-lag affected them.
Thanks in advance.
I've done three FCs leaving Australia from Sydney and going via London, Paris, and lastly Barcelona arriving in St John once and Pamplona twice. I arrived late afternoon and left early next morning with no jetlag. The advice regarding fluids and limiting alcohol intake is sound. I also ensure that I sleep during a good part of the flight. Coming back as being the same experience. I'll be starting my fourth French Camino leaving Australia on 28 February going to Pamplona via Barcelona and returning from Santiago via Madrid.
However as some have indicated it only takes a day or 2 to adjust.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
I only seem to get jet lag when flying East, so it's not an issue for me to walk straight away. Coming home is awful, takes over a week to fully recover.
I always try to sleep most of my flight, & drink lots of water (although that didn't work going to Canada last year, which sort of reinforced my flying East theory).
I start from Lisbon in March, but have allowed a couple of nights this time as have 3 stopovers on the way over, and the first few days out of Lisbon are longer.
Good walking, enjoy your Camino.

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