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dogs & other creatures

  1. Purple Backpack

    Wasp swarm

    A few km before Portomaran, a huge swarm of wasps swooped down on a pilgrim. Thankfully, he wasn’t stung. He said it looked like a flock of sparrows that swooped down and he thought they were bees. At the next bar, the owner said to be careful, huge swarms of wasps have been active.
  2. Medomish

    Alert Dogs attack in Vilardongo

    Today, at this little village an hour or so away from A Fonsagrada I've experienced an attack from 3 dogs belonging to the farm nearby. One od the dogs tried to bite me by the leg, but that one was wearing a leather strap around "jaws" (like a nozzle), while others just circled around me and...
  3. J

    Snake identification

    Hi I am curious to know what snake this is, just after Astorga before Murias de Rechivaldo ... lovely little thing!
  4. C

    Has the dog “policy” on the Camino changed?

    I’ve been in Le Puy en Valey less than 5 hours and have seen dozens of hikers with dogs.. I think it’s great but .. every book I read says it an “absolute NO” at any of the places to stay. Just curious???
  5. Bradypus

    Two pilgrims injured in an attack by a cow

    Several local news websites are reporting that two pilgrims have been taken to hospital with injuries after being attacked by a cow. The incident took place about 10km north of Fuenterroble de Salvatierra. One pilgrim has been seriously injured and was transported to hospital by helicopter. The...
  6. Luka

    Alert Two reports of agressive dogs just after Oseira

    I have been reading 2 different reports (on FB and instagram) about (an) agressive dog(s) just after Oseira. I'll post them here: In the group of @geraldkelly on FB (4 days ago): Hello lovely Via de la Plata group! I had a very unpleasant experience with 3 aggressive dogs just after the...
  7. M

    Bugs / Insects on Route Frances

    Hello! I am starting the Route Frances on May 20 and looking at weather to pick my clothes but also figured I should factor the bug situation into the equation since I don't want to weigh down my pack with bottles of bug spray. How bad are the bugs on the Route Frances - and I don't mean bed...
  8. C

    Transport from Hendaye to Sarria with dog

    Hello, I'm planning to walk a part of the camino in august 2024. I want to travel with my dog, who is over 10kg, what seems to make the trip kind of impossible, since basically no train company takes him... I found a train from Belgium to Hendaye, France but now I'm stuck. Does anybody have an...
  9. RossIreland

    Walking with my dog

    Hi Does anyone have experience of walking the Frances with their dog? How difficult to find accommodation etc.? I would be aiming for an early start probably next April and would expect to stay in hostels/hotels rather then Albergues. Camping is not an option - too old! Thanks Ross
  10. C

    Would I be likely to encounter leeches on the CF in April/May?

    Hi all, Im walking my first Camino in April (CF) and was wondering if it would be likely for me to encounter leeches? I know for most people leeches are not a big deal but they are in plague proportion where I am (Central Coast NSW, Australia) and I have had two bouts of cellulitis from leech...
  11. J


    Hi All, I just saw on google news that the brown bear is on a major come back. It said the northern part of Spain . Be careful
  12. RodlaRob

    How to address an Advancing Dog ..in Español please!!

    I'm soon to do a combo of Caminos starting in Sevilla. & have noticed safety issues with unrestrained dogs in several areas. Now in English, my first approach to an advancing dog is to try & gain acceptance with some nicely worded "good boy or good girl" tactics if I can determine the sex quick...
  13. dick bird

    New law affecting dog ownership in Spain

    https://www.surinenglish.com/spain/these-are-the-most-important-changes-that-20230822143759-nt.html So far as I know, this has not been mentioned on the forum. I was actually researching laws affecting service dogs in Spain when I came across this, it is an English language article (for expats...
  14. N

    How to rent a horse or donkey

    Does anyone know of a company that rents out horses or donkeys for the route from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela?
  15. Who did you take with you?

    Who did you take with you?

    I traveled with the collars of Flora and Cassie, my two dogs, on my back-pack. Both who were by my side spiritually throughout, and indeed it was after I lost Flora that I had to do something otherwise just get swallowed up by the grief - that something was the Camino - our Camino.
  16. davejsy

    Camino Wildlife (excluding escaped circus animals)

    So as not to clog up other threads thought it would be good to start a new thread. What stories do people have about wildlife they have seen on their Camino's? Or other general wildlife-related Camino stories? Or maybe even wildlife-related Camino folklore? As mentioned on another thread, some...
  17. peregrina2000

    Dog attack after Pobra de Brollón, July 2023

    I have received a PM from a forum member who has passed along information about a new (at least for the forum) dog incident on the Invierno. As a bit of background, you may remember that there have been some reports over the years about loose and threatening dogs on the Invierno. The two that...
  18. Teddie

    Camino Devil Dog Deterrent

    My original post was "Dog from Hell" ( having had some negativity on the thread name ), I have concluded a long arduous Camino Primitivo early November and am feeling some remise not updating my findings concerning a 'dog deterrent device'. Although my understanding and love for dogs runs long...
  19. Angela Leon

    Camino at the beginning of Spring 2024 from the UK with my dog.

    Hello, I need advice on my plan, I am planning to do the Camino with my dog, at this time she will be 18 months old. I am planning to take the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander, walk Camino del Norte until Ribadeo and link with Camino Primitivo. I am taking my tent with me, as I love camping...
  20. D

    They still ride horses, don't they?

    Ok, so I'm in trouble now... I paid FindPenguins to make a book out of my "proof of life" posts to my husband during my Camino Primitivo, and was showing it to my brother-in-law, his wife, and their teenage daughter before Thanksgiving dinner. (BTW, shameless plug for FindPenguins - great...

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