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Start of my Cancer Camino


Veteran Member
Time of past OR future Camino
2022 Camino Portuguese and Primitivo
Well dear forumfriends I am in shock. In the middle of planning my next walk om the Via Baltica and Via Scandinavica next July, flight booked and I am diagnosed with High Grade Papillary Cancer of the bladder, non muscle invasive at this point, but high risk of recurrence and progression into the bladder wall and spread to other organs and subsequent death. The treatment of BCG infusions into the bladder is highly toxic and coupled with 3 monthly invasive checks my life will never be the same.
I am overwhelmed right now. My husband is 82, I am only 59 and our young daughter and her little baby girl need me to be around while she gets herself through university. I am the sole income earnner in our house and I am scared that I will not be able to continue to work even once the treatments start
I amt rying really hard to adopt the mindset one gets into during camino walks, the one step at a time thing and trusting that things will work out for the best, but so far I am still practising that one!
Well, I will be extremely grateful if I can do my next walk as planned, it gives me a goal at least.
Not sure if this kind of post fits into this forum, but I have been part of this for a few years now and you guys are part of my community.
Love Gitti
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Hi, Gitti,
Though we've never met, we've had lots of back and forths on the forum and I think it says something good about us all that you would want to post such a difficult personal note to a bunch of online fellow pilgrims. I know exactly about the shock of which you speak, having just seen two close friends in similar situations. We can take nothing for granted, that's for sure. I am sure this will be a really tough time for you and your family, and I hope you will get through it and be back on the camino again. Abrazos from Laurie
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
Dear @gittiharre -

Why would your sharing on this forum not be appropriate?

Perhaps the one lesson that I saw the Camino teach in general was that it was "okay" to care about, and to care for, people who were complete strangers just mere moments before.

I am very sorry to hear such news - from anyone. Consider yourself on the prayer list. No promise that it does any good but it certainly can't hurt.

I'm so sorry to hear this, Gitti. Sometimes the trials that come our way are incomprehensible. I pray that you and your family will be granted the courage, strength and grace to face these difficulties.
Much love, Charleen

I couldn't have said it any better. Prayers and a nice firm hug coming your way . . .
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Dear Gitti, Thank you.
I think this forum was the absolutely one of the right places to share and thank you for doing so in such a thoughtful and measured manner. Sometimes you may also need a place to think/say/release things perhaps without the constraints of that considerate moderation and balance which characterise your posting and I hope we can provide a space for that to - in the more private pm/conversation formats?
The body shock of cancer diagnosis is as profound as it is disorientating-the fact that the body that you know so well, has served you so long and that has been looked after by you can be threatened by such an insidious force can send you reeling. It feels as if you've lost your 'true north' somehow -but it will come back and reorienting by making contact with known loci of love, friendship and kin helps.
On this forum don't we all, in some little way, seek to accompany each other on our various journeys? So wherever this road takes you please know that we will be with you in heart and spirit.
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Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
What a shock for you and your family Gitti. So sorry to hear this. Just take it one step at a time as we do on the Camino.
My prayers are with you as are all your fellow pilgrims on the forum. You can beat this!
Love from Perth WA
My prayers are with you Gitti as you start this very difficult Camino. From the comments made already, forum friends and pilgrims are ready to support you in this walk just as they are in the Santiago walks. Stay positive.
Well dear forumfriends I am in shock. In the middle of planning my next walk om the Via Baltica and Via Scandinavica next July, flight booked and I am diagnosed with High Grade Papillary Cancer of the bladder, non muscle invasive at this point, but high risk of recurrence and progression into the bladder wall and spread to other organs and subsequent death. The treatment of BCG infusions into the bladder is highly toxic and coupled with 3 monthly invasive checks my life will never be the same.
I am overwhelmed right now. My husband is 82, I am only 59 and our young daughter and her little baby girl need me to be around while she gets herself through university. I am the sole income earnner in our house and I am scared that I will not be able to continue to work even once the treatments start
I amt rying really hard to adopt the mindset one gets into during camino walks, the one step at a time thing and trusting that things will work out for the best, but so far I am still practising that one!
Well, I will be extremely grateful if I can do my next walk as planned, it gives me a goal at least.
Not sure if this kind of post fits into this forum, but I have been part of this for a few years now and you guys are part of my community.
Love Gitti

I am so sorry to hear about your news. Do you remember how everyone says that the Camino is just like life itself? We all start out in the same way and as the same in life, the Camino gives you all these challenges that must be overcome etc. My hopes and prayers are that you achieve all the goals you have set for yourself. Your post fits into this forum perfectly as we are a community and are here to support one another on whatever journey we are on. Buen Camino.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Gitti, I wish you all the best. I can imagine how filled with dismay and fear you are. I just recently had to have a hysterectomy because of a precancerous condition. Thank God, I will be ok as there was no cancer found in the organs. This will bring you to knowing how strong you are. My prayers are with you, dear. May you be buoyed by the love and support this forum provides. PEACE!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Thank you so much to all of you who have sent me their words of love end encouragement and inclusion in their prayers. I will embrace my journey with love, goodwill and not loose sight of my goals which will give me focus and strenght. Hope to get to writing my blog about the Via Baltica/scandinavica.
Arohanui Gitti
Dear Gitti, So sorry to hear your news. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers during the coming weeks and months as you make this camino and pray that God will daily give you strength and a sense of his abiding presence. .
I am so sorry to hear this, Gitti! Hope your treatment will do you well. Now it is time to think about yourself to recover from your cancer. Your family will manage and definitely take care of you as you have taken care of them. Best wishes!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Dear Gitti
This is hard news to accept. Thanks for sharing with us. You have already received encouragement and prayers form the community here - now I would like to offer to be the hands and feet. I live in the same city and would be honoured to help out practically. My experience is that actual suggestions are better than vague "let me know how I can help" type offers - please do not be hesitant to accept what we as a community can give you. Would some meals help? Especially (but not exclusively) when treatment starts. Do you have any dietary restrictions? How about hand-me-downs for your grandchild?
Could others chip in with other ideas?
Feeling for you and wanting to extend grace to you.
[...] Not sure if this kind of post fits into this forum, but I have been part of this for a few years now and you guys are part of my community.
Dear Gitti, your physical situation is awful, but your family still plays a major purpose in your life. Little time left for your daughter and her baby to see mother and grandma. List your priorities, your chances of "pulling it off" with a happy return, and leave the rest in the hands of our Creator. A difficult decision!:) Buen camino:)
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Dear Gitti
This is hard news to accept. Thanks for sharing with us. You have already received encouragement and prayers form the community here - now I would like to offer to be the hands and feet. I live in the same city and would be honoured to help out practically. My experience is that actual suggestions are better than vague "let me know how I can help" type offers - please do not be hesitant to accept what we as a community can give you. Would some meals help? Especially (but not exclusively) when treatment starts. Do you have any dietary restrictions? How about hand-me-downs for your grandchild?
Could others chip in with other ideas?
Feeling for you and wanting to extend grace to you.
Rachael, how sweet of you. At the moment I feel ridiculously well, no one would think I am dealing with what I am dealing with, but a time may come when I will really need some practical help and you are amazing to offer it, when you are so busy with a big family. My husband is going away for a couple of weeks from Monday and may be we could just have a cup of tea together and share some Camino stories. I am thinking of doing a fundraiser walk for bladder cancer research if I can get it together, and using the planned Via Baltica/Scandinavica route for this next year. I know you have some experience with fundraising. My phone no is [phone number deleted by Moderator - please use Personal Messages so as to protect personal information]
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Dear Gitti, What awful news! Please remember you never walk that path alone.
A candle burns for you on the camino.

Thank you Rebekah, one of my bucket list walks is the Madrid route followed by the Invierno as well as the Voie de Piemont...always planned to call on you at the end of the Madrid route, so lets work towards that.
I am really sorry to hear this Gitti. I hope this community can help you get through this.

A huge hug from Santiago,
Thanks Ivar, the forum is just wonderful and you are doing an amazing job to keep it going. It has been a great source of inspiration and support for my various walks over the last few years and I still have a few on my bucket list!
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Well dear forumfriends I am in shock. In the middle of planning my next walk om the Via Baltica and Via Scandinavica next July, flight booked and I am diagnosed with High Grade Papillary Cancer of the bladder, non muscle invasive at this point, but high risk of recurrence and progression into the bladder wall and spread to other organs and subsequent death. The treatment of BCG infusions into the bladder is highly toxic and coupled with 3 monthly invasive checks my life will never be the same.
I am overwhelmed right now. My husband is 82, I am only 59 and our young daughter and her little baby girl need me to be around while she gets herself through university. I am the sole income earnner in our house and I am scared that I will not be able to continue to work even once the treatments start
I amt rying really hard to adopt the mindset one gets into during camino walks, the one step at a time thing and trusting that things will work out for the best, but so far I am still practising that one!
Well, I will be extremely grateful if I can do my next walk as planned, it gives me a goal at least.
Not sure if this kind of post fits into this forum, but I have been part of this for a few years now and you guys are part of my community.
Love Gitti
I am glad that you shared this with the forum, your Camino friends.
We love you dearly and are cheering for you every step of the way in this Camino.
I have always loved your avatar, a classic beauty on the Camino!
Dear friend, we met once in Bercianos 8 years ago, I am also shocked to hear these news, keep strong and have faith in everything turning our all right, as well as about your family, do think of yourself and take lots of care, the thought of your next Camino will act as a good incentive to keep you going!

Un abrazo desde Granada!!!!
Gitti, my mother-in-law sent me a card recently after I finished my camino... it says...

To get through the hardest journey, we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping

I hope we all keep stepping for many more years to come. As they say here in France ... courage.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Dear friend, we met once in Bercianos 8 years ago, I am also shocked to hear these news, keep strong and have faith in everything turning our all right, as well as about your family, do think of yourself and take lots of care, the thought of your next Camino will act as a good incentive to keep you going!

Un abrazo desde Granada!!!!
Much as gracias Amancio, I remember you well from that beautiful evening in Bercianos. Abrazo Gitti
Gitti, very sorry to hear that. Life sometimes takes undesirable turns.
But the walk is not over until it is over. Always be positive.
Sending you all my best from literally the other side of the world.

Edit: You did well and right by sharing: We are one community in here, and I believe, in many ways, that even if we have never met in person, we (the forum family) know each other better than many faces we see every day at work, on the streets, in our neighborhood, or even in our family. Where else than here should you naturally share your problems and maybe fears? I can only hope for you that you really can feel all good coming your way from your friends in here.

Your post is a strong evidence of what this forum can mean for people. Thank you, Ivar.
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Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Rachael, how sweet of you. At the moment I feel ridiculously well, no one would think I am dealing with what I am dealing with, but a time may come when I will really need some practical help and you are amazing to offer it, when you are so busy with a big family. My husband is going away for a couple of weeks from Monday and may be we could just have a cup of tea together and share some Camino stories. I am thinking of doing a fundraiser walk for bladder cancer research if I can get it together, and using the planned Via Baltica/Scandinavica route for this next year. I know you have some experience with fundraising. My phone no is [deleted]

I am heading out this evening to help a friend with a uni assignment, but tomorrow night I will call you - probably about 8pm once little kids are settled.
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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Dear Gitti, thinking of you and your family. Dolfina
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Dear Gi
Well dear forumfriends I am in shock. In the middle of planning my next walk om the Via Baltica and Via Scandinavica next July, flight booked and I am diagnosed with High Grade Papillary Cancer of the bladder, non muscle invasive at this point, but high risk of recurrence and progression into the bladder wall and spread to other organs and subsequent death. The treatment of BCG infusions into the bladder is highly toxic and coupled with 3 monthly invasive checks my life will never be the same.
I am overwhelmed right now. My husband is 82, I am only 59 and our young daughter and her little baby girl need me to be around while she gets herself through university. I am the sole income earnner in our house and I am scared that I will not be able to continue to work even once the treatments start
I amt rying really hard to adopt the mindset one gets into during camino walks, the one step at a time thing and trusting that things will work out for the best, but so far I am still practising that one!
Well, I will be extremely grateful if I can do my next walk as planned, it gives me a goal at least.
Not sure if this kind of post fits into this forum, but I have been part of this for a few years now and you guys are part of my community.
Love Gitti
Dear Gitti....I am so very, very sorry to read of your diagnosis.....my thoughts and my prayers are both with you and your family.....you have such much love and support coming from this group. A big, but gentle hug from a fellow Perigrina.....
Oh @gittiharre what terribly distressing news. My thoughts are with you, and I will keep you in my prayers each day.

I absolutely understand your concerns about your husband, you daughter and granddaughter - but they have a bank of your love and past support behind them. If it is any comfort the research shows that some adversity does build resilience - the children born during the depression and Second World War suffered less mental illness and suicides than the following generations. Your daughter will be fine, you have set her on her way and she will rise to the challenge. Perhaps now is the time to let go, to put yourself first, and to trust in love.

Be courageous and know that we are all sending you love and blessings.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Gitti, Earlier this year I had to cancel my Caminho from Seville because of two months' Chemo- therapy, follow in July by the removal o my bladder, Prostate and Appendix - miraculously by keyhole surgery.
I now live with a Stoma, quite equably!
Like you I was stunned by the diagnosis of invasive cancer.
4 1/2 months after surgery I am feeling well and am increasingly active; most importantly am planning the Seville to Caceres stage of the Via de la Plata for next April.
I kept my blog going for this Cancer Caminho:-http://ensuitepilgrimblog.wordpress.com/
PS Iam 68 years young.

I hope that my experience encourages you to remain positive and expect the best possible outcomes.


Dear Gitti,

I can't think of a more appropriate place for you to share your news than with your kind hearted fellow peregrinos on this good Forum.

My dear old Mum had many lovely old Irish sayings and one that always stuck with me was :

'God never sends you down a rocky path unless he's sure you have a strong pair of boots' (kind of appropriate for this Forum!)

Be assured that you are genuinely held in all our thoughts and I'm sure you will find that strength to tackle the journey ahead .

Go n'eiri an bothar leat .

I am heading out this evening to help a friend with a uni assignment, but tomorrow night I will call you - probably about 8pm once little kids are settled.
Thanks very much Rachael. I will be at work most evenings this week, except Wednesday, so Wed would be great. Gitti
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Gitti, Earlier this year I had to cancel my Caminho from Seville because of two months' Chemo- therapy, follow in July by the removal o my bladder, Prostate and Appendix - miraculously by keyhole surgery.
I now live with a Stoma, quite equably!
Like you I was stunned by the diagnosis of invasive cancer.
4 1/2 months after surgery I am feeling well and am increasingly active; most importantly am planning the Seville to Caceres stage of the Via de la Plata for next April.
I kept my blog going for this Cancer Caminho:-http://ensuitepilgrimblog.wordpress.com/
PS Iam 68 years young.

I hope that my experience encourages you to remain positive and expect the best possible outcomes.


Thank you so much music man for your openness it is immensely reassuring to hear that there is life after this upcoming ordeal and I hope everything will work out for me. I will read your blog. Much love. You are an inspiration.
Dear Gitti,

I can't think of a more appropriate place for you to share your news than with your kind hearted fellow peregrinos on this good Forum.

My dear old Mum had many lovely old Irish sayings and one that always stuck with me was :

'God never sends you down a rocky path unless he's sure you have a strong pair of boots' (kind of appropriate for this Forum!)

Be assured that you are genuinely held in all our thoughts and I'm sure you will find that strength to tackle the journey ahead .

Go n'eiri an bothar leat .

I love your mum's saying!
Gitti, really sorry to read your news. I know your treatment will be difficult, but I hope your body responds well to it. I will make sure Rom and Aideen know- and I know Rom will light some candles for you in the Abbey in Moissac.
Thank you dear Margaret.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Dear Gitti,

I can't think of a more appropriate place for you to share your news than with your kind hearted fellow peregrinos on this good Forum.

My dear old Mum had many lovely old Irish sayings and one that always stuck with me was :

'God never sends you down a rocky path unless he's sure you have a strong pair of boots' (kind of appropriate for this Forum!)

Be assured that you are genuinely held in all our thoughts and I'm sure you will find that strength to tackle the journey ahead .

Go n'eiri an bothar leat .

I love your mum's quote and I am telling myself that whilst I cannot control the outcome of this I can manage my emotional response and focus on daily quality of life and that is what I will do and how I will be.
Hi Gitti
May you have courage, strength, peace and health in abundance. I noticed after a while on my recent camino that the markers only indicate you're on the right track, but don't give any detail about how far, how hard, what's around the corner. It spoke to me of walking in the light given and trusting that I would have the strength to continue whatever the future.
Dearest Gitti, please allow me to express my support and prayers to those already offered by other members of this forum. I can think of no better place to share life's unexpected twists and turns. Day by day, step by step, we walk our Way the best we can with the knowledge that we are never alone. May God bless you and your family as you travel this difficult path. In Christ's love, Susan
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Dear Gitti - I am not a active on the forum but see your post and send love and support from the USA. One step at a time. You are in my prayers. We are the same age. At 63, my mother in law was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer when I was pregnant with my second child, now 30. It was a difficult time but she persevered through her treatments, continuing her teaching, painting and hiking throughout . She is now 93, lives independently, rides her bike every day, gardens and paints as usual. Still corrects me on my table settings. And now has three grown grandchildren (mine). I know it is scary but having family and friends behind you will give you strength. All blessings to you. Holding you in prayer, Patricia Ireland
Well dear forumfriends I am in shock. In the middle of planning my next walk om the Via Baltica and Via Scandinavica next July, flight booked and I am diagnosed with High Grade Papillary Cancer of the bladder, non muscle invasive at this point, but high risk of recurrence and progression into the bladder wall and spread to other organs and subsequent death. The treatment of BCG infusions into the bladder is highly toxic and coupled with 3 monthly invasive checks my life will never be the same.
I am overwhelmed right now. My husband is 82, I am only 59 and our young daughter and her little baby girl need me to be around while she gets herself through university. I am the sole income earnner in our house and I am scared that I will not be able to continue to work even once the treatments start
I amt rying really hard to adopt the mindset one gets into during camino walks, the one step at a time thing and trusting that things will work out for the best, but so far I am still practising that one!
Well, I will be extremely grateful if I can do my next walk as planned, it gives me a goal at least.
Not sure if this kind of post fits into this forum, but I have been part of this for a few years now and you guys are part of my community.
Love Gitti

Back in 1965 my girlfriend, at age 25, had a surgery for ovarian cancer and the doctor, at the end of the procedure, told me she would be gone in about 8 months; the good news is that, after the horrible devastation and anxiety something like that always gives, she was treated at Stanford University Hospital with three months of radiation and lived for 37 years more and never had cancer again. That was a horrible time but I like to recount it to those who have been diagnosed with this terrible disease so you know that people do often get well. Tremendous progress has been made in treating cancer since 1965 and that is also a positive note for you. Having hope and being as positive as possible is a powerful force in one's recovery. I will also remember you in my prayers.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
I love your mum's quote and I am telling myself that whilst I cannot control the outcome of this I can manage my emotional response and focus on daily quality of life and that is what I will do and how I will be.

In Spanish they say, "Dios aprieta pero no ahorca" (God squeezes but he doesn't strangle)...that is also fitting and true.
Hello Gitti,
I feel tremendously for you at this time. Cancer is a terrible thing.
Possibly many people on this forum have been touched by it in some way and can offer insight and support.
I think that the posts of all of these people will help you to find your way through your next stage of life's journey. It may be interesting for you to re-read some of these later down the track.
I know that the brain finds it hard to process words and concepts when a person has been given shocking news - as you have. When the diagnoses is first made, it is hard to make sense of anything. Given time and a clearer head you may further appreciate the words of wisdom offered.
I only wish that I had some words to offer too, but all I can say is - be strong and good luck.
Hi Gitti

I am so sorry to read about this terrible and sad news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Almost three years ago, a good friend of mine was diagnosed with a rare form of terminal spinal cancer whereby the typical survival period was less than two years, typically less than one year. He refused to accept the doctors' expected outcome and he is still going strong, fighting the good fight so to speak. The cancer has not gone but it is not progressing any further.

So please realize it is early days, and with both a positive mindset and advances in modern medicine, there is plenty of reason to be hopeful.

This is now your camino, all the others that came before were just preparation for this new passage in your life.

I have forwarded your post on to Dawn here in Canada on your behalf.


Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

[ivar edited out phone number. Please don't publish phone numbers in public messages. Try a PM]
Is this correct Gitti?
I have been trying for an hour, but getting an engaged signal. Of course you could be talking to someone else, but I thought I'd check. You can call me if you prefer. [ivar edited out phone number]
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I walked the Camino in gratitude for my Brother's beating a Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I strongly believe on the power of prayer and you are in mine. Take it one day at a time, make a habit of staying positive. Many have beaten this and so will you. A Big hug from NY.
Our love and prayers too Gitti
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Gitti, love and best wishes to you and your family from another Aucklander, for this most challenging of caminos. One step at a time, one foot in front of the other. You will get there.
Dear Gitti,
Love & Prayers
Looking forward to your complete recovery and reading more of your Camino journeys.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

Just came upon your post and want you to know I'm sending blessings your way. i hope you are able to go on your Camino as planned!
Buen Camino! Many Blessings!
Thank you. Very stressful. There is a world wide shortage of the treatment I need called BCG which is the only treatment in 30 years that has been reasonably effective. I only got a small dose of it on my 3rd of the 6 induction treatments and was told there may be no more...Have researched the world over the weekend to see if I can source some elsewhere to no avail. Very scary, as I really don't fancy having to have my bladder removed. It's enough to have to deal with the cancer but now this issue has rather thrown me. Gitti
Dear Gitti, May you be filled with courage and strength as you continue this very difficult journey. I pray that a new source of BCG will soon become available for you...God bless!
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Your prayers and good wishes must have been heard. A delivery of BCG has come through. I hope to at least complete my first course of treatment. Whether I get the full dose on this round is still uncertain.
Sending you my caring thoughts and the hope that your treatment will progress well. Having had two close relatives in similar situations, I know, and I'm sure you know, there will be many more ups and downs, but this is very good news, gitti. Hope you will feel free to unload here whenever it seems appropriate to you, but know that many of us are concerned and hopeful that you will continue to get good news. Laurie
Ah Gitti,
After 8+ months, I just felt the need to drop into the Forum today. Now I know why. Gitti, over the years you have given so many people your time and helpful advice and we have followed you on your amazing journeys. Ian and I still use the Aarn packs (with front balance pockets!) that you recommended.
Thank you now for sharing this journey with us. May all the Forum friends support light your way and help to keep you strong. May the supply of BCG never run out. I'll light a candle for you today Gitti and keep you in my thoughts and prayers until you are back up there on that other camino. Love from Carole x
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
I add my thoughts and prayers to the many you have received. You feel like a friend to many of us it seems, and it is only natural and healthy to share both good and bad news with friends.
Along with the many others, I wish you the very best possible journey to wellness.
Love and hugs
I am absolutely overwhelmed by your kind responses. I have taken on the world in outrage over how the BCG shortage has been dealt with. It is an international and oncological disaster.
At national level there are lots of unanswered questions and for me personally it is very distressing to deal with the uncertainty of whether or not I get the treatment that is essential at this stage of treatment.
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€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I've been by my mother's side in her battles (three in a row) over cancer and kind of know what this means. You're in my thoughts, Gitti. So many miles you've walked and much more still waiting for you, go on. Be strong on this most important of the Caminos!!!

Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Here is a link to my interview with Radio New Zealand National Programme yesterday on the topic of the impact of the BCG shortage:
The manufacturing issue seems to be a mold issue that occurred 2 years ago, according to an article in Forbes 10/16/14 - who also points to price gauging for the other less effective medicine since the BCG shortage. You make some very excellent points . It is most definitely disturbing on so many levels. If you are interested in that article, I'll send it when I find it again. Did you get your full dose today?
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You spoke eloquently Gitti and it gave me a warm feeling inside to connect your voice to your picture. I pray that you will receive a full course of treatment tomorrow and that protocol will be closely monitored. You are a strong spokesperson for this crisis. God Bless!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
You spoke eloquently Gitti and it gave me a warm feeling inside to connect your voice to your picture. I pray that you will receive a full course of treatment tomorrow and that protocol will be closely monitored. You are a strong spokesperson for this crisis. God Bless!
Exactly - the voice, so calm, so tender, so warm...
Hold on, Gitti!!!
Update: No I did not get full dose today. Hardly any inflammation in the bladder, I strongly suspect the dose is below the therapeutic level. In any case women respond less well to treatment than men...now it looks like there will be supply issues well into 2016! The story changes every day!
Update: No I did not get full dose today. Hardly any inflammation in the bladder, I strongly suspect the dose is below the therapeutic level. In any case women respond less well to treatment than men...now it looks like there will be supply issues well into 2016! The story changes every day!
I'm sorry to hear this, Gitti. I've sent you a private message. Pat
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Update: No I did not get full dose today. Hardly any inflammation in the bladder, I strongly suspect the dose is below the therapeutic level. In any case women respond less well to treatment than men...now it looks like there will be supply issues well into 2016! The story changes every day!
This must be so frustrating for you Gitti! I pray that, on the eve of Our Saviour's birth, a deep sense of peace will fill you and your family so that you can celebrate together the wonderful spirit of Christmas...sending hugs from Canada
This must be so frustrating for you Gitti! I pray that, on the eve of Our Saviour's birth, a deep sense of peace will fill you and your family so that you can celebrate together the wonderful spirit of Christmas...sending hugs from Canada
THANK you Seque. Last dose yesterday for now. Got 90 per cent of a vial and my radio interview resulted in 300 extra vials getting delivered to nz. Great result. Time to chill with family now. Lots of love for xmas Gitti
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Dear Gitti I am so sorry to hear of your struggles, take strength from all your friends on the forum and take courage from their prayers, take your treatment a step at a time . Try not to fear although that must be very difficult!
I too will pray for you and the BCG shortage and that you may discover all you need to help you and your family with your recovery.
May you be blessed as much as you are loved by many.
Well done Gitti. Buen camino. x
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Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
For the love of God is broader than the measures of our mind; and the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.
-Frederick W. Faber, "There's a Wideness in God's Mercy"

Dear Gitti, You have been in my thoughts and to read your post first thing this morning fills my heart with delight and thanksgiving!! The quote I've sent you piqued my need to search out the whole poem on Google. There are many videos of choirs singing this song on YouTube. The words are very touching. May God bless you!
This is uplifting news and may you keep recovering Gitti. I am thankful. Our delight will be to see you striding forth on an adventure this year. Keep us, your forum friends, in the loop.
Wonderful news for sure!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Prayers are answered and miracles happen every day. No one knows what tomorrow brings, but we all walk one step at a time on our own personal Caminos. Your Camino is joined by thousands of others here on the forum - you never walk alone.
Comfort and joy.
Join Camino Cleanup: Logroño to Burgos May 2025 and Astorga to O'Cebreiro in June.
Well dear forumfriends I am in shock. In the middle of planning my next walk om the Via Baltica and Via Scandinavica next July, flight booked and I am diagnosed with High Grade Papillary Cancer of the bladder, non muscle invasive at this point, but high risk of recurrence and progression into the bladder wall and spread to other organs and subsequent death. The treatment of BCG infusions into the bladder is highly toxic and coupled with 3 monthly invasive checks my life will never be the same.
I am overwhelmed right now. My husband is 82, I am only 59 and our young daughter and her little baby girl need me to be around while she gets herself through university. I am the sole income earnner in our house and I am scared that I will not be able to continue to work even once the treatments start
I amt rying really hard to adopt the mindset one gets into during camino walks, the one step at a time thing and trusting that things will work out for the best, but so far I am still practising that one!
Well, I will be extremely grateful if I can do my next walk as planned, it gives me a goal at least.
Not sure if this kind of post fits into this forum, but I have been part of this for a few years now and you guys are part of my community.
Love Gitti


This news is frightening, for sure. I immediately looked hard at your photograph, and am saying very heartfelt prayers for your strength, resilience, and full recovery. Faith, Hope, Love. All being sent your way.

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