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Search 74,075 Camino Questions

Reluctant partner


Camino walker from Sydney, Australia
Time of past OR future Camino
Sep 2024 Camino Frances
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
FWIW, I gently (and not-so-gently) asked my husband to join me on part or all of my upcoming Camino. We tried out some ideas and it's just not his "thing." I accepted that my Camino will be best enjoyed solo. We agreed to meet in Madrid after I finish and visit a few cities that we're both really interested in. I'm a bit more of a loner in life than he is, so I'll fare better than he will.
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
Go alone !
Perhaps it is an opportunity for you and your husband to share new stories you live each on your side before joining again ?
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
FWIW, I gently (and not-so-gently) asked my husband to join me on part or all of my upcoming Camino. We tried out some ideas and it's just not his "thing." I accepted that my Camino will be best enjoyed solo. We agreed to meet in Madrid after I finish and visit a few cities that we're both really interested in. I'm a bit more of a loner in life than he is, so I'll fare better than he will.
I do understand. My husband is taking me to Granada, Ronda and Seville and Cordoba soon. I will enjoy those places I’m sure but the need for a long walk to Santiago will always be what I want out of a visit to Spain. Pilgrimage not tourism. Reflection not consumption. I will also need to accept that the joy I get from a Camino is not what my husband is looking for in life. I’d love to share the experience but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Solo or not at all is what I’m looking at.
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
I was in a similar situation this summer. I did the 1/2 Norte & then switched to the Primitivo by myself and despite the reputation of having few pilgrims I met a lot and had a wonderful Camino family that I met along the way. This year there were plenty of pilgrims on both Camino’s. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. My thought is if you let you partner do his thing and you do yours and you’ve both enjoyed yourself then you’re both winners. Just be open to other pilgrims - share your story that you told here and I think you’ll find really interesting folks to spend time with. I found the last time I did the Camino with my girlfriend it kept us from meeting others and that was fine for us. On this Camino I made friends for life. I’ve been back 2 weeks and we are still messaging eachother and talking about our next trip!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I do understand. My husband is taking me to Granada, Ronda and Seville and Cordoba soon. I will enjoy those places I’m sure but the need for a long walk to Santiago will always be what I want out of a visit to Spain. Pilgrimage not tourism. Reflection not consumption. I will also need to accept that the joy I get from a Camino is not what my husband is looking for in life. I’d love to share the experience but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Solo or not at all is what I’m looking at.
Nice list - we'll see Granada, Sevilla, and Toledo and hope that we'll be enough "off-season" to reflect on their fascinating histories without a swarming buzz of tourists. Buen Camino to you; there have been some lovely thoughts in the comments to your post.
I've done two sections of the Frances alone. My husband was never interested...and then, one day he was! We hiked the Portugues Coastal from Porto in May and and a wonderful experience (I was actually a bit concerned about going with him!!). In the end, I have enjoyed both going alone and sharing the Camino with him.
To me, in this regard, the Camino is a lot like liver and onions.
A person either LOVES it or they HATE it.
I think trying to get someone to walk who really isn't interested in walking could make for a miserable experience.

Just go.. you... alone... and enjoy.
Let him stay home.
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
For someone who’s not sure about the commitment of doing a long Camino, six weeks can be intimidating. I did my first CF solo. My wife had no real interest in it. I then talked her into just committing to two weeks and we walked the CP from Porto. It was an eye opening, life changing experience for both of us. We’re now planning our fifth Camino together spring of 2023. So, my only suggestion is that the solution may be somewhere in the middle, something less than perfect. If you’re already planning a trip to Spain, how about a compromise by walking a shorter Camino (for now) instead of the sightseeing trip. See where it takes you. The Camino is a pretty amazing place and it doesn’t take six weeks to discover that. Good luck.
Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience?
Yes: I am!!!

My wife and I never 'hound' each other into something. There are a number of things we do together and there are things that we undertake seperately. We live in the Netherlands and I have done several things on my own:
- visited 2 music festivals in the USA
- Camino Frances in 2011
- Monty Python live show in London in 2014
- Camino del Norte in 2016
- Via de la Plata in 2018
- Part of the del Norte, Camino del Salvador, Primitivo and Invierno in 2022

Meanwhile my wife (instead of sitting at home waiting for me to return) would do all sorts of fun stuff, like going on a 12 day workshop in Switzerland, visit the seaside (staying in a 4-star hotel with the dog), spending a long weekend in Paris with a girlfriend and so on.....

My wife and I don't have children. So when we are together the focus is pretty much always on each other. Doing this seperately is a bit like taking a holiday of each other. Instead of being together all the time and sharing the same experiences, spending time away from each other means that we have a lot to talk about when we see each other again. My wife and I both cherish these opportunities.

That having said: my wife and I walked from our hometown in Holland to St. Jean-pied-de-Port together and, when my wife was supposed to walk her Camino Frances in 2014 alone but got cold feet: I joined her for the first 4 days. After that she and I split ways and walked our own Camino, joining 2 days before Santiago in order to finish it together.

We also walked long distance trails (1-2 weeks) together all over Europe. It's just that she doesn't like prolonged walks (5-6 weeks) anymore. But I do. Very much so.
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
I don't think the Camino is something you can push someone to do. Neither of you will truly enjoy the experience. He may not deal well with the challenges, and you'll be worried about him not having a good time. I agree that it would be best to have your own experiences. Do you want to go to the cricket match??
Did you see @SkyDancer 's thread 'Husband wants to come with me!'. Actually she stopped posting a while back while on the camino with him... which I hope is just a sign that more enjoyable things than the forum are taking up their time now :rolleyes:
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
Maybe let him go to the cricket match while you walk? Kinda of what my wife and I do, letting each other do what we like without nagging each other about what we really don't want to do.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
For anyone not interested in test cricket; five days for a game which often ends in a draw takes a lot of commitment.

Mrs Henrythedog and I have many common interests; but encourage each other to do what they love even if it baffles the other.
I believe the done thing is to take a picnic and beer!
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
You will enjoy it so much more without him. Let him do his thing while you do yours and your marriage will benefit greatly.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
I dont have much to add to what everyone else has said, buuuut I can validate the general sentiment of doing it alone, or asking him to join for just a short period. I have JUST returned from Camino #2. The first one was alone (2017), this one was with my partner who "really doesn't like to hike/walk" but did it for me. AND. IT. WAS. MISERABLE. Okay, not really, because the Camino is always wonderful, and always gives us what we need. But we did discover that my partner doesn't really like walking all day, hates walking alone and doesn't enjoy deep conversations. We both made a LOT of sacrifices to accommodate the other person's needs/desires. And we certainly learned alot about each other and our relationship.

If he does go, be sure to level set expectations before you start walking. Discuss what a typical day is like (ie what time yu like to get started, when you eat your first meal, have coffee, etc); discuss your need (or not) to walk alone sometimes; discuss your own thoughts on spirituality, attending mass and visiting churches, meditation, etc; discuss what you will do when one person needs to walk SLOWLY; discuss how you will handle injuries (ie trust Spanish doctors or need to consult with your own doctors), discuss how engaged you both will be with social media and other electronics (ie my partner spent 2 hours/day on facebook); discuss EVERYTHING before you go.

Remember, walking 10 - 25 kilometers a day is HARD. Sometimes we only recall, and tell our partners about, the really good memories. Dont forget that it is HARD and not everyone's cup of tea.
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
No one in my family has any interest in walking 800km so I do it alone. I actually prefer walking alone. It’s my journey, at my pace. I can stop when I want, have peace and tranquillity and socialize when I want.
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
Leave him in the UK for the duration of your walk. He can probably get at least three test matches in, maybe more, in and he will be a very happy man!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
No one in my family has any interest in walking 800km so I do it alone. I actually prefer walking alone. It’s my journey, at my pace. I can stop when I want, have peace and tranquillity and socialize when I want.
Same here. Third Camino this year. Hubby always at home happily looking after things. A friend asked if hubby has said he will miss me (he has not). I mentioned the question to him and he just laughed. 😂😅
Feeling grateful that we can both happily do our own thing. 🙏🏼
FWIW, I gently (and not-so-gently) asked my husband to join me on part or all of my upcoming Camino. We tried out some ideas and it's just not his "thing." I accepted that my Camino will be best enjoyed solo. We agreed to meet in Madrid after I finish and visit a few cities that we're both really interested in. I'm a bit more of a loner in life than he is, so I'll fare better than he will.
Buon Camino! When are you going and what route have you chosen?
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I don't think the Camino is something you can push someone to do. Neither of you will truly enjoy the experience. He may not deal well with the challenges, and you'll be worried about him not having a good time. I agree that it would be best to have your own experiences. Do you want to go to the cricket match??
Definitely can’t push someone. I’ve done all the asking I’m going to do. All the ‘wanting to share the experience’ will be parked. Test cricket for him, Camino for me. Meet up at the end possibly. Now the next question is which route for me. I’m leaning towards CF again. Or possibly the Primitivo…
Same here. Third Camino this year. Hubby always at home happily looking after things. A friend asked if hubby has said he will miss me (he has not). I mentioned the question to him and he just laughed. 😂😅
Feeling grateful that we can both happily do our own thing. 🙏🏼
Yes it’s fabulous to be able to do your own thing
I was in a similar situation this summer. I did the 1/2 Norte & then switched to the Primitivo by myself and despite the reputation of having few pilgrims I met a lot and had a wonderful Camino family that I met along the way. This year there were plenty of pilgrims on both Camino’s. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. My thought is if you let you partner do his thing and you do yours and you’ve both enjoyed yourself then you’re both winners. Just be open to other pilgrims - share your story that you told here and I think you’ll find really interesting folks to spend time with. I found the last time I did the Camino with my girlfriend it kept us from meeting others and that was fine for us. On this Camino I made friends for life. I’ve been back 2 weeks and we are still messaging eachother and talking about our next trip!
That’s wonderful you had a great experience. You’ll be on a high for a while I bet. Which Camino next?
Same here. Third Camino this year. Hubby always at home happily looking after things. A friend asked if hubby has said he will miss me (he has not). I mentioned the question to him and he just laughed. 😂😅
Feeling grateful that we can both happily do our own thing. 🙏🏼
That is certainly something to be grateful for. 😊
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
FWIW, I gently (and not-so-gently) asked my husband to join me on part or all of my upcoming Camino. We tried out some ideas and it's just not his "thing." I accepted that my Camino will be best enjoyed solo. We agreed to meet in Madrid after I finish and visit a few cities that we're both really interested in. I'm a bit more of a loner in life than he is, so I'll fare better than he will.
Which route are to planning on walking? And, when are you planning on walking?
My spouse has walked a few Caminos with me, but he really does not enjoy it. So now I walk alone, or with friends. The last couple of times I've met him afterwards, and we have done a motorbike tour together (me riding pillion).

Find the thing you both like to do together. For my mind walking the Camino solo is great!
I've done two sections of the Frances alone. My husband was never interested...and then, one day he was! We hiked the Portugues Coastal from Porto in May and and a wonderful experience (I was actually a bit concerned about going with him!!). In the end, I have enjoyed both going alone and sharing the Camino with him.
How wonderful that you could share a Camino experience. And go alone…
I guess I am not understanding why it is an issue? Respect his resistance. Go on your own!
Its not an issue. I will go alone, again. It’s just I would love to share the adventure with him. That would be (in my mind) something to treasure together. I like to find things we both can experience and treasure together, to build on our joint enjoyment of life. There’s a pull between me wanting to share wonderful experiences with him and realising that this isn’t necessarily something we need to share if he would prefer something else. I do respect his resistance and will go by myself.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I dont have much to add to what everyone else has said, buuuut I can validate the general sentiment of doing it alone, or asking him to join for just a short period. I have JUST returned from Camino #2. The first one was alone (2017), this one was with my partner who "really doesn't like to hike/walk" but did it for me. AND. IT. WAS. MISERABLE. Okay, not really, because the Camino is always wonderful, and always gives us what we need. But we did discover that my partner doesn't really like walking all day, hates walking alone and doesn't enjoy deep conversations. We both made a LOT of sacrifices to accommodate the other person's needs/desires. And we certainly learned alot about each other and our relationship.

If he does go, be sure to level set expectations before you start walking. Discuss what a typical day is like (ie what time yu like to get started, when you eat your first meal, have coffee, etc); discuss your need (or not) to walk alone sometimes; discuss your own thoughts on spirituality, attending mass and visiting churches, meditation, etc; discuss what you will do when one person needs to walk SLOWLY; discuss how you will handle injuries (ie trust Spanish doctors or need to consult with your own doctors), discuss how engaged you both will be with social media and other electronics (ie my partner spent 2 hours/day on facebook); discuss EVERYTHING before you go.

Remember, walking 10 - 25 kilometers a day is HARD. Sometimes we only recall, and tell our partners about, the really good memories. Dont forget that it is HARD and not everyone's cup of tea.
Great advice. Thank you so much for your response. Going together this time will probably not happen so I will busy myself with plans for a solo Camino. Will remember all this if in fact there is a shared Camino sone time down the track when spouse is retired. A few years away. 😊
Yes: I am!!!

My wife and I never 'hound' each other into something. There are a number of things we do together and there are things that we undertake seperately. We live in the Netherlands and I have done several things on my own:
- visited 2 music festivals in the USA
- Camino Frances in 2011
- Monty Python live show in London in 2014
- Camino del Norte in 2016
- Via de la Plata in 2018
- Part of the del Norte, Camino del Salvador, Primitivo and Invierno in 2022

Meanwhile my wife (instead of sitting at home waiting for me to return) would do all sorts of fun stuff, like going on a 12 day workshop in Switzerland, visit the seaside (staying in a 4-star hotel with the dog), spending a long weekend in Paris with a girlfriend and so on.....

My wife and I don't have children. So when we are together the focus is pretty much always on each other. Doing this seperately is a bit like taking a holiday of each other. Instead of being together all the time and sharing the same experiences, spending time away from each other means that we have a lot to talk about when we see each other again. My wife and I both cherish these opportunities.

That having said: my wife and I walked from our hometown in Holland to St. Jean-pied-de-Port together and, when my wife was supposed to walk her Camino Frances in 2014 alone but got cold feet: I joined her for the first 4 days. After that she and I split ways and walked our own Camino, joining 2 days before Santiago in order to finish it together.

We also walked long distance trails (1-2 weeks) together all over Europe. It's just that she doesn't like prolonged walks (5-6 weeks) anymore. But I do. Very much so.
You’ve done a lot of solo stuff. We do too. Do you think you’ll go again?
I don't think the Camino is something you can push someone to do. Neither of you will truly enjoy the experience. He may not deal well with the challenges, and you'll be worried about him not having a good time. I agree that it would be best to have your own experiences. Do you want to go to the cricket match??
Not really interested in the cricket match personally. 💥
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
Did you see @SkyDancer 's thread 'Husband wants to come with me!'. Actually she stopped posting a while back while on the camino with him... which I hope is just a sign that more enjoyable things than the forum are taking up their time now :rolleyes:
Thanks. I’ve now seen the thread.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
For someone who’s not sure about the commitment of doing a long Camino, six weeks can be intimidating. I did my first CF solo. My wife had no real interest in it. I then talked her into just committing to two weeks and we walked the CP from Porto. It was an eye opening, life changing experience for both of us. We’re now planning our fifth Camino together spring of 2023. So, my only suggestion is that the solution may be somewhere in the middle, something less than perfect. If you’re already planning a trip to Spain, how about a compromise by walking a shorter Camino (for now) instead of the sightseeing trip. See where it takes you. The Camino is a pretty amazing place and it doesn’t take six weeks to discover that. Good luck.
Here’s the thing. We are doing the tour du Mont Blanc this time. Hiking, and I guess that’s for me mainly, then the rest of the Andalusian and Portuguese bit is a long held travel desire for him. So there’s no time for Camino this time. Since planning this trip, Circumstances at home have pushed me into needing more time alone and for reflection and we’ve worked out I’ll do a solo Camino in may/June 2023. He will join for a few days possibly. We’re both happy with these plans. 😊👍🏻✅
Definitely can’t push someone. I’ve done all the asking I’m going to do. All the ‘wanting to share the experience’ will be parked.
Very true. If you push a spouse too hard and they do come, it will more often than not, be a negative experience for them and a ruined Camino for you.
I had tried to convince my hubby to come with on my first Camino to no avail. Two years later he joined me in Santiago for some vacay afterward. He walked between Muxia and Finesterre first and other than the ocean views did not really enjoy it. We then rented a vehicle and explored much of Portugal, which he enjoyed far more than true walking. At home he prefers anything with two wheels.
My partner and I have very different ideas of holidays. I am planning possibly 2 Caminos for next year and Via Francigena 2 years after that, and he is planning driving holidays. We bore each other with routes and gear and things we hope to see :D
We have settled on him joining me for Camino Norte one year and I'll save that route for when he can.
Last year when I walked my companion's husband was on a 5 star tour of Africa. We laughed when his husband had to check into a different hotel in Morocco because the one he was at was too close to a Mosque and was not allowed to serve alcohol.
Let your husband enjoy his cricket tour while you walk. You can share stories in the evenings and at the end.
Buen Camino!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
If one has already done a reflective pilgrimage or two I coukd recommend asking a partner to go, to drive the route, to have our places to stay and a late lunch early dinner planned… coffee, orange juice whatever in the mornings… a kiss goodbye daily… repeat in 33 different towns.
When I was in viana the first time I saw a couple doing just that! He was smoking a cigar and proud of her I guess, but she seemed to love her evenings with him …
This last trip I stayed in viana and thought of them.
I do such a thing in a heartbeat if I’ve already experienced a solo one.
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
Forget taking your husband. You've already hiked with him and you will have a much better time alone and meet more wonderful fellow pilgrims.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
I am very grateful for everyone's sharing. I am walking Camino del Norte in September ( 3 weeks away!). When I decided to do this my husband agreed to come along, but it became clear that he was doing this for me. Having read through a previous similar thread, we then sat down and had had some excellent discussions. He loves fishing and birding, I don't and so we generally do our own thing then come together to share adventures. We are both very spiritual and don't like doing so much sightseeing/touristy types of journeys so we are very well aligned and love deep discussions. Ultimately, he has decided to come along for the last 4/6 weeks. We have had discussions that I am more a morning person, like to get going early and he likes to go a little later but is faster than me etc. So we are getting our Sim cards, and are basically going to see loosely what happens. I have let him know that it is totally okay for me if we meet on occasion, just text each other to know we are okay and then as long as we meet again in Santiago I am okay. I am curious how this will evolve.
I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
Go by yourself honey! Been there, done that! Buen camino!
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I am very grateful for everyone's sharing. I am walking Camino del Norte in September ( 3 weeks away!). When I decided to do this my husband agreed to come along, but it became clear that he was doing this for me. Having read through a previous similar thread, we then sat down and had had some excellent discussions. He loves fishing and birding, I don't and so we generally do our own thing then come together to share adventures. We are both very spiritual and don't like doing so much sightseeing/touristy types of journeys so we are very well aligned and love deep discussions. Ultimately, he has decided to come along for the last 4/6 weeks. We have had discussions that I am more a morning person, like to get going early and he likes to go a little later but is faster than me etc. So we are getting our Sim cards, and are basically going to see loosely what happens. I have let him know that it is totally okay for me if we meet on occasion, just text each other to know we are okay and then as long as we meet again in Santiago I am okay. I am curious how this will evolve.
Just leave him at home Lisa. It’ll be better for all concerned. You must have some wallpapering or carpet fitting which needs attending to?

Seriously. He doesn’t want to be there. If you were in danger I’m sure he would jump through flaming hoops, and so on; but in all probability he’ll not enjoy it and you’ll worry whether he does or not.

I might just regain control of this keyboard from my wife if she just looks away …..
If one has already done a reflective pilgrimage or two I coukd recommend asking a partner to go, to drive the route, to have our places to stay and a late lunch early dinner planned… coffee, orange juice whatever in the mornings… a kiss goodbye daily… repeat in 33 different towns.
I've heard of people doing this, but I know that I would hate it. I would feel like I was disconnecting from the Camino every day. I go on the Camino to immerse myself in the experience, and don't want to disrupt the experience. But it does seem to work for some people.
I am very grateful for everyone's sharing. I am walking Camino del Norte in September ( 3 weeks away!). When I decided to do this my husband agreed to come along, but it became clear that he was doing this for me. Having read through a previous similar thread, we then sat down and had had some excellent discussions. He loves fishing and birding, I don't and so we generally do our own thing then come together to share adventures. We are both very spiritual and don't like doing so much sightseeing/touristy types of journeys so we are very well aligned and love deep discussions. Ultimately, he has decided to come along for the last 4/6 weeks. We have had discussions that I am more a morning person, like to get going early and he likes to go a little later but is faster than me etc. So we are getting our Sim cards, and are basically going to see loosely what happens. I have let him know that it is totally okay for me if we meet on occasion, just text each other to know we are okay and then as long as we meet again in Santiago I am okay. I am curious how this will evolve.
Let us know how it goes. Buon camino
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I presume plenty of people have this situation. I have walked the Camino before in 2015, I walked the Camino Frances. Since then I’ve done lots of hiking trips with my husband. I thought I was done with the Camino. Now I really want to go again. I got Covid recently and it’s all I thought about. I’ve become obsessed and started to try to talk my husband into joining me. So much that I think I’m annoying him! Anybody else trying to not hound a partner into sharing this experience? My husband is interested in going to a test cricket match in the UK not walking 6 weeks in Spain. 😩
Going solo is an awesome growth experience. I can’t imagine dragging along an unenthusiastic partner.
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But one guy, who walked faster than me, would insist on waiting for me to 'catch up'.
We had to have words about it
I know what you mean! On my recent camino, my companion often walked faster than I. Once she was out of sight, I relaxed and knew that I probably wouldn't see her again until the destination. Then I could really walk at my own pace and take whatever breaks I wanted, and she could do the same. On a few occasions, when there was a particular reason, or the route was uncertain or perhaps hazardous, we agreed to walk together for those portions. Then, we both compromised a little on the pace.

If either of us had been a reluctant partner, or dependent on the other, it would have been a much less happy situation.

I can’t imagine dragging along an unenthusiastic partner.
Going solo is an awesome growth experience. I can’t imagine dragging along an unenthusiastic partner.
A Camino is hard and requires a lot of "want to". Having to drag someone would ruin the experience. I agree - go solo - you'll be as alone as you choose to be.

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